Roads of Life

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Avatar for Xavierzyxks
3 years ago

Chaos and wrecked this world is at risk

Freedom and salvation words that are far fetched

Animosity among men their judge turn a blind eye on them

They search for answers but found none again and again

Boastful and haughty their brains swell with pride

But they can't add even a minute, for them to exist

For those humble and meek their questions will be answered to satisfy their wit

They will reside in my garden full of apples and grapes

For they thread on the road too narrow that kings and queens won't fit

They would rather choose the road so wide to bring their gold and fine horses to ride

But waiting for them is lighting and fire

Ready to meet them when the wide road ends.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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