Republished articles

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3 years ago

I was browsing on my published articles, when I got tired of not finding what Im looking for because of the large amount published articles that I have written mostly poems, I stumbled on my draft articles. A thought came across my mind, Is it better if read. cash will allow us to republish our old articles, given the fact that only a small fractions of users had the chance to read our past articles.

Another thing is that this past few months, the number

If read. cash users more than doubled. Meaning those new users had never given a chance to read past articles!

Im not suggesting that read. cash will allow us to republish all our old previous articles. The system could be program to allow a certain number of articles allowed to be republish.

Furthermore read. Cash can also set a time line in which articles within that time line are the ones permitted to be republished.

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