End hatred and racism!

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3 years ago

Men are created equal.

This statement is a proven fact. No one can argue that on the context of God being our Creator he created the first couple in perfect physical condition with a perfect environment ahead of them.

But they messed up!

They messed up on the very basic test of obedience to their Creator, their Father and mentor. They chose to obey their on fleshy desires therefore walking wayward from the loving embrace of their Creator.

The price for their obedience is so huge that it cause imperfections to them and to their offsprings, and that offsprings include all humans.

And the manifestation of imperfection was evident early on human history.

It was and still is prevalent today. Hate, hatred among humans is like a small fire that can consume anything it touches

It is so true! Just look around you,oh,wait! Start looking at yourself first, I'm quite sure you felt hate at somebody at some point in your life.

People hate somebody for a variety of reasons, but today hatred fueled racism to an extreme level that one race is ready to annihilate the other.

The funny thing is that we are on one planet just like a huge family in one huge house in a remote island.

I mean this planet is our only home no place in the universe was created for us to inhabit.

So being racist is equal to hating your own brother!

We are all brothers literally! Because we are all created from one soil, the soil of this planet earth!

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