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3 years ago

Do you still remember the first time you felt afraid of the dark? For most of us it could be during their younger days and for others It could be few years ago or just recently!

What was the reason that made you so fearful of the dark?

With kids it could be because of their playful imagination. But for older it could be the influence of the environment that they were brought up. And for most people being Afraid of the dark is equal to being afraid of the unknown!

Yes we are afraid of something we dont know, that is our instinct and more often than not it is beneficial on our side. It saves us from unnecessary harm.

So in a sense being afraid of the dark in general is ok. But being too afraid of the dark is another story. Because it could be more than instinct that pulling an individual to be too afraid of the dark. This could be a manifestation of an emotional or psychological problem.

A person suffering from depression may have difficulty dealing with dark areas or an individual with psychological ailment that has a trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy might not be very appreciative of the dark.

A measure of fear of the dark can be beneficial for us, so the next time you are caught in the dark just remember it is just an absence of light!

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