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Avatar for Xavierzyxks
3 years ago

Empty and lost

Though surrounded

By people I love most

Tiredness I can't explain

Taking over my vein

No amount of sleep and rest

In this world could cease

This loneliness

Eating my spirit

Burning my will and interest

Hear my pleas

And give me rest please.

$ 0.40
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Write a lot more of them poems and the anguish you got in them will soon fade away.

It's like you mirror me, except that I stopped giving a fuck a while back. There's too much invested for me to get spooked, or give in. It's only a matter of time , a lifetime is nothing compared to eternity. We remain ourselves and nobody else's. Any sort of anguish we take in, we take in. Meaning that we give it permission to happen. A lot of circles will teach you that it's better to choose a suffering or pain point and let it pain for it not to circle around you like all other circles. After this no fuck circle you will be so much better off, the true meaning of not giving a fuck will be engrained in your veins. Even the 25 they meddle with is no bother really. You are all good, take your time it's only physicality!

Love and light! Bless up!

$ 0.00
3 years ago