Best friend

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Avatar for Xavierzyxks
3 years ago

My best friend believe it or not have been with me since the day I was born.

He is always watching me though honestly I have never seen his eyes no matter how close I get to him.

He never get mad at me, always I have the acknowledgement from him though I never actually heard him speak, anyway his silence is enough validation for his approval in everyhing I do.

And no matter how far I run away from him he would always find me. Seems like he does not understand that there are times I want to be left alone.

He would slways walk with me, sometimes he would just follow me for hours looking after my back.

Then he would walk in front me make sure im threading on the right part of the road.

But as nighttime approaches I would always feel a bit sad because he would just disappear without a trace.

And no matter how hard I look for him at night I still cannot find him.

He forgot to tell me where he sleeps at night. And I never had the courage to ask him that.

Oh, by the way did I mentioned that my best friend is so popular he had been to every country in the world.

And I im sure you know his name,

My best friend is my SHADOW.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
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