Advertisements and Manipulations

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3 years ago

Have you been to a grocery lately? Or did you buy a new pair of jeans, what's your favourite fast food chain? Are your really making decisions as to what are you buying or what foods you want or where you want to eat?

Each time we came across with the above mentioned situations, more often than not, our capability of making decisions is influenced by some external factors. Things that we often see and hear have a great impact on our actions.

Depending on the frequency of something that we see or hear, Our mind has the amazing capability to retain and pick the most frequently seen or heard memories.

This is quite helpful and at the same could do is harm?


Because our mind can easily be manipulated by external factors. Have you ever wondered why advertisements are flashed on your TV screen maybe hundred times? The reason for this is not just to show their merchandise but to manipulate viewers mind into patronising their merchandise.

Wether unconsciously or not , we have to admit the reality of our mind being manipulated by repetitive and endless advertisements on various media platforms.

Good side is, we have more access to more things and information about something that we want to buy later!

Bad side is, we are not a hundred percent sure that advertisements and advertisers are truthful as to what they are bragging , or they just want to make a profit out of selling.

That's where our common sense should takes its place, if something is too good to be true then most probably it isn't !

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