As what we know, media is a kind of communication tool to easily passed an information or data. The media serves as the voice of the government as well as the citizens. With the used of media informing citizens about the government's mission and vision made it easier. Media effectively promotes the governments' advocacies and it also broaden their influence to the mass. Media can also be a way for the citizens to earn the attention of the government.
The church's role to the government is that the church eases the mind of the citizens. A government that is side by the church is highly supported by the public but the church takes action sometimes when the government did something immoral.
A government with a strong military power makes them powerful over the citizens. The military is used for the citizens to follow or to be afraid of, so the government can easily control the citizens. A strong military power is also feared by other countries. As the military maintains the peace across the state and fights the revolutionaries.
The context above is based on my perspective.