Essay on A Variety Show

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Essay on A Variety Show

It is our school’s tradition to hold a variety show every year in conjunction with the Annual Speech Day. Last year’s show was exceptionally good and everyone was very pleased with it.

The show started with a group of girls performing the Chinese Fan Dance. Dressed in bright red samfu and holding bright red fans, the eight dancers were quite a sight to behold. The music was a traditional Chinese song played via a stereo set.

Next came the solo rendition of Swanee River by S. Munusamy who was dressed up like a negro slave of bygone days. He looked more like a roadside beggar than a slave. Anyhow, we did not know how a slave looked like but judging from the vociferous applause at the end of his performance, his act was certainly well-received.

Immediately after that came a comedy sketch by the Boy Scouts of our school. Right from the start, they had the audience in stitches as two boys dressed up as pregnant women appeared on the stage. For the next ten minutes or so the whole school hail was rocked by the laughter of a few hundred parents, teachers, guests, and students. l myself laughed until tears came out of my eyes and my side hurt. It was a long time since I had witnessed such a tunny sketch.

Following the comedy was a silat display by some members of the Silat Club of the school. I would say that they gave a polished performance. They must have spent hours practicing for some of the techniques they performed required great skill and concentration. A mistake could have resulted in serious injury, but they managed all right.

Then came the candle dance by the youngest girls of our school. These demure little ones were very graceful as they maneuvered the saucers holding the lit candies around. It was no easy task as one could easily burn oneself if one was not careful. Anyhow the dance was completed without a hitch except for one candle that was accidentally extinguished.

The show continued with some songs by the School Choir, a bamboo dance by some students, a duet by two men teachers, another hilarious sketch by the Boy Scouts, and a final performance by the School Choir. All in all, it was a very successful show and everyone enjoyed every minute of it.

The show came to an end after the Choir sang the Negaraku. For an ordinary school, I would say that the variety show was of a high standard and could match any professional performance. So we gave a standing ovation to the delighted performers. After that, we left the hall and headed home.


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Written by
3 years ago


wow brother this article was very nice💖

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3 years ago

Wonderful article dear brother☺💜

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3 years ago