Pretentiousness: good or bad?

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2 years ago

Our life is a game

Pretentiousness is not something new in the world, not to say that it is more common than you and I think. Almost everyone is, even if they deny it. And you and I probably got into that sack.

What a coincidence that no one is posh until you ask them about the clothes they wear.
- Do you buy clothes?
- Obviously
- Are they 1862 clothes?
- No, it is what is hitting the market. And I also bought these little gold chains.
- And you, you weren’t posh, were you?
And so always, do not believe who says he is not, he is only a hypocrite.
Being post is not a bad thing that I know of. The bad thing is not admitting what one is, because if we are not clear about our identity, what are we?


Let’s start by talking about a normal identity. Identity is not something you are born with, or if you don’t think, a baby, what identity does it have? We just know it is a baby. We probably make the mistake of thinking that identity would be a baby, but identity is not that, identity is built from the past.
Nietzsche’s identity would be a philosopher, right? It is difficult to define an identity, we would confine ourselves in an area thus leaving aside all the other possibilities of what we can be, something that, unfortunately, is very common.
Speaking of identities, we could not even say that we are male or female. The physical differences between the two are clear, the problem is that each concept is accompanied by actions that only if we have that identity can we do, for example: if you buy panties, you are a woman, right? Don’t be restricted.
Getting into the field of how to be posh, from what I know is to be fashionable, both in clothes and in movies, music, healthy food that seems that every year a new superfood comes out, etc. And being posh is not bad, on the contrary, we probably all are, have been, or will be posh. And not admitting it implies that we have fragile masculinity or femininity.

You pretend to see things differently but you’re a slave to all the trends.

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This phrase from the band Seether helps us better understand the posh. I can bet an ear that there is someone in your family who denies that it is. Do not listen to that family member, because he probably eats fruit and natural things thinking that this way he will be healthier without taking into account that the first human beings in the world ate things that were probably more natural, and died at 30 years.
Self-knowledge and introspection to know yourself and be at peace with yourself is a crucial quality to not demand yourself and have a more bearable life. Whether you are posh or not, you must do it, I assure you that your life will improve.


Don’t you take pictures of yourself showing that you are happy for Instagram but in truth, your life has nothing special? Wouldn’t you like to have a good car to pretend but then you don’t even have money for food? Are not your tastes conditioned by what happens to you and society? If you answer affirmatively, you are posh. And you have to know it now. At what age do you plan to meet if not?

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Being posthumous, in the eyes of a person who is not or believes that he is not, is seen as a problem, when there is nothing wrong as long as you do not harm anyone. It only bothers those who think that you should only wear a metal band t-shirt if you like that band, and not simply because it is to your liking. I did not know that you could only wear t-shirts if you are a fan of what is in their design, my goodness.
Check out this video:

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In addition, for these people, the posh are recognized from afar, something like the gypsy. It is as bad to point out to the posh as not to recognize that you are. Apart from the fact that they probably pout you, while the envy of not being able to be like you eats them up inside, because, let’s face it, a posh person who recognizes that he is posh is free, while the other person tries to build an identity of a lie.
In life, some people know how to live better and people who live worse. Or do you think that Einstein did not use his mind better than you? Or that Picasso didn’t have more creativity than you? Thus, the one who recognizes himself has an advantage over the one who has not done it or is unable to do so.


I do not know if the conclusion is going to clarify more than the text itself in this case, but if you admit that you are posh, and almost all of us are, you are freer than if you do not admit it. Not admitting it would be foolish, since everyone follows fads of one kind or another, and trying to hide that is little more than not having two fingers of a forehead. We must accept what we are.
Self-knowledge is essential to face the obstacles that society can throw in your face today, in addition to helping you create an identity, something very important that is very difficult to define. But it is better this way, since if you define your identity, you define your life, not being able to be all that you can be because of it.
Be posh (which you probably already are) and admit it without fear, do not be ashamed of it, and when you do, you will be freer than you are now.

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2 years ago
