The Highest Mountain in the United Arab Emirates: Jebel Jais

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2 years ago

There are many things that come to mind when thinking of Dubai: luxury, the vastness of the desert, fast vehicles and camels, as well as the Burj Al-Arab, one of the best spots in the world to jump. The Jebel Jais Mountain, the highest peak in the United Arab Emirates, was a pleasant surprise to us all, as we had no idea that Dubai had mountains.

My cousin, my cousin's cousin, and I went on a road trip last weekend. Since she saw and heard about this establishment on TikTok, my cousin has been itching to go there as soon as possible, and now she has her chance. As a result, we made plans to hike up this mountain on a day off. It took about an hour and a half to get there (take note the minimum speed here is 100 kph).

It was an exhilarating journey. There were some bumpy roads, but the roadway was big enough to accommodate three lanes. Our driver drove like he was in a fast and furious movie every time we passed a curve in the road. It was hard to keep our grip on the steering wheel.

I was completely awestruck by the setting. Like the Grand Canyon in Arizona, it's awe-inspiring As I make my way up the mountain, I can't stop shooting images and movies. It's a new experience for me, and I had no idea that Dubai had more to offer than the items I listed above.

I was thrilled to see that they provide a trail ride called Jais Sledder, and I hope to go on it soon. However, when we arrived, they had already shut down. However, I felt awful for them. Initially, we planned to simply relax on the observation deck and watch the sunset. These are a few of the sunset images I took with my friends.

There is something about sunset that I'm not sure about. I'm a big fan of sunsets. Every time I see one, I am in awe. Endings may be lovely, too, and this book taught me that Actually, it's all in your head as to how you view things at the end. I'm done being sentimental, so let's get on with it. Lol! However, even though I couldn't experience the sunset, I was grateful for the opportunity to see it.

It was already dark, and the temperature had begun to fall. A chill was engulfing me from my neck down, and I realized that I had forgotten my jacket in the car. The temperature was 19 degrees Celsius when I checked my smartphone. Even while I appeared as if the cold didn't bother me at all, it actually did. Looool! We couldn't stand the cold any longer, so we made the decision to return home as others were doing the same.

I'm back home after a long weekend away.

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2 years ago
