What the Witch did to our neighbor part2

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Mystery, Short Story

Manang cheng and kuya Loyd are our neighbors again and my story is about the witch's granddaughter because the old witch died here with us.

Manang Cheng (Manang is what I call my elder) and Kuya Lloyd have been married for two years but have no children. We always see them flirting in front of their house. Even if it is bitter, it is okay because they are married.

But there are still people who are really unhappy when they see others happy.

The day came when we noticed a lot of scratches on Ate Cheng's face. She was also depressed. She is really smooth and white. They don't have a pet cat for her to be like that and she doesn't remember anyone scratching her. We are fooling around that Kuya Lloyd might have been overreacting when they were in trouble so he did that. We just laughed but seriously, we were also worried about what was happening to Ate Cheng.

One day, she approached the pharmacist(Arbolaryo, wizard, herbal doctor whatsoever🤣) about what was happening to her. She also said that her back was full of scratches as well as her smooth and rounded thigh.

Brother Lloyd and I are right. Ate Cheng was bewitched. The herbalist allegedly sighed and Ate fainted. (Joke) The albularyo sighed because she knew who made it. She prayed to Ate and then said ...

"she did that to you with envy. I'll take care of it, don't worry sister. Tomorrow morning, the one who did that will visit you. Look at her toe, it is swollen. After that you will be healed. "

The next day, Ate Cheng was surprised because someone was outside their house. When she opened the door, Ate Lorraine greeted her - she was the nephew of the old women witch of Tyong Albert's wife.

Oh, you visited. Ate Cheng said.

Yes, I will just shut up and say hello to you because I heard what happened to you. "

"Of course. This is how my face looks like on the back and other parts of my body with a lot of scratches." Ate Cheng answered and as she said this she suddenly looked at Ate Lorraine's foot. She was surprised by what she saw.

"Why is your toe swollen Ate?"

"Oh, because I cleaned my nails so she's swollen now. All right, I'm leaving too. Don't worry Ading and that will disappear too." Ate Lorraine replied with a smile and then said goodbye.

Ate Cheng just laughed at Ate Lorraine's answer because if she really cleaned her nails, why does she still look dirty? It doesn't seem to have cleaned up so I'm sure she is the one the Albularyo is referring to. Days passed and Ate Cheng's scratches disappeared.

Because of Ate Cheng's story, we were able to avoid approaching Ate Lorraine and we proved that the old woman inherited her knowledge of witchcraft from her.

Thats all for today, Goodnight 😴🙏

@TheRandomRewarder I hope you visit too my article thankyou 💖

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Mystery, Short Story
