Take a short drive

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Avatar for Wireless07
3 years ago

Am ibuoye adedayo. Am new to the community but wanna give a short word of advice.

Our kids open up in the car like nowhere else. On the road, we become a captive audience for one another. A little day trip with a few hours seated side-by-side is a chance to connect in a meaningful way. Offer to chauffeur your athlete to an away game, take your musician to a concert, or plan some college tours that require a bit of travel together. Or, invite your son or daughter to join you on an occasional business trip or weekend getaway.

If your teen is one to plug in and check out, make your car an earbud-free zone. Give them free rein to control the music (whether it’s your style or not), the menu, and a spontaneous stop or two along the way. Discover how driving away from your familiar routine can spark fresh conversation between you.

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Welcome on board sir, we're glad to have you here

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3 years ago

You are highly welcome

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3 years ago

You're welcome to join us

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3 years ago

Yes o. A little bend in what you already believe won't cause harm. It'll even open your eyes to new opportunities

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3 years ago