"The strange girlfriend"

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2 years ago

"She was looking at him intently, and follows him wherever go, he is gonna be the next victim."

There is a grand party night in a Jones Bridge Home, hosted by a young a man who will be graduated in his college degree on the next day. There comes a beautiful woman whose wearing red dress, and lipstick with a glittering purse and a white shoes. She looks stunning in her dress and everybody was looking at her.


Then the boy welcomes Beatrice her new girlfriend , "hello, my dear!, it's gonna be a long night party, you look gorgeous! His name is Jake, his Clare's best friend who lived in the same village.


Clare is a simple lady who wears jeans, with a sport shoes, while she get inside the party. She's not a party girl, but she's just go there to be physically present for her friend.

Jake her best friend didn't noticed her, that's why she just sit on one corner of the house, while Jake and her girlfriend was drunk on the upper part of the balcony. When the parties over, Clare arranged the things in the kitchen after the visitors have gone home.

She noticed that Jake wasn't there in the placed where she saw him. Clare go upstairs to find out where Jake is, and she was shocked, when she saw Beatrice(jakes's girlfriend), enter into Jake mom's room, she follows her and she witnessed how did the lady open the closet and get some luxurious dress and jewelries inside the cabinet.

Clare immediately, get her phone and take a video of what Beatrice was doing. And she suddenly remember that this woman was on a wanted list on the police station, when she visit her father who was a police officer in the village.

She's trying to find Jake inside the house, in the rooms toilet and even under the sofas, but he wasn't there, she go down stairs, and she hears someone is growling in pain inside the storage room. She open the door by kicking it, and found Jake whose bleeding on his head. She helped him stand up and go outside through the door on the kitchen.

They proceed to the hospital by riding Clare's car. Then Clare's dad came to see if Jake was right. And she tell her dad, about what did the lady named Beatrice did to his friend. Then, Clare's dad have promised to protect Jake while he is in the hospital. They tried to search the lady's residence and they found out that she lived on the next village right after Jake's place.

They have arrested her, and she was being questioned inside the police station. She said that she was forced to do so, because her mom was a cancer patient and she needs money to sustain for her chemotherapy, and because she has no work, all she can used is her good looking asset, she's a pretty girl with a very nice appearance.

When Jake knows Beatrice main reason for doing that thing, she felt pity for her and he said, that he will forgive her, and those things that she has taken away will served as a little way of helping her out.

Clare had this kind of feeling that she doubt the girl's reasoning, at the back of her mind, she did not believe what she said. So, she secretly enter into Beatrice house by climbing on a fence, and gladly she get in because the main door was open.


She roamed around Beatrice house, and when reach on the second floor, she saw a lot of luxurious things, like bags, sandals, and clothes hanged in one place, and there is a signage "My greatest collections". She takes a photo again as an evidence, but when she go downstairs,, Beatrice came home and saw Clare while going down stairs. Beatrice had a gun on her hand, and she revealed that, she is just fooling them all, because she's a great robber who takes place from one place to another.

Beatrice shot Clare on her shoulder, and she fall down on the floor, but there was like an angel came for a help, a 70 years old lady with a white hair but gorgeous who bring her shot gun and shot Beatrice on her forehead. She fell down and die on that moment. And the white hair lady said, "I got you girl".

Clare go back to he hospital and and she was treated while Beatrice parents came to get her body. They told the police that she was a spoil brat who loves to dress expensive clothes, she will do anything for her wants.

Jake and Clare were both confined in the hospital for 3 days and they realized that they should never trust easily a strange woman like Beatrice who is known thief and disguise as a student.

Clare also confess her feelings to Jake for the first time, and Jake was happy, she never thought that she was loved by a lady that she dreamed for a very long time. And after a long week, they go for a vacation together in a beautiful island.

End here..........

Final thoughts

Everyone is possibly have wants in life, like having expensive things, but it shouldn't be acquired by forced. It's a sweet achievement to reminisced if we can have it, through our effort and hard work.

We should not be overwhelmed by our wants or be envious with others might have, everything must comes in a right right time. It's always good to be honest with ourselves and not to wear a mask like Beatrice, there's no secret that remain hidden forever.

Thanks to everyone who read this, I'm so grateful for having you here and all my sponsors on the box.

Love love!

All images from unsplash.com

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2 years ago


very impressive. She is very beautiful in her message. We must avoid imitation and envy. we should not trust anyone

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nakakatakot kasi nangyayari talaga yung mga ganito in real life ate.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Ay, talaga ba.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hello madam, agi lang ko. Hehehe

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hehe, sige ayo ayo

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I agree. We can get our dreams in life without using force but pure effort and sweats.

$ 0.01
2 years ago