The relevance of a father in the home

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3 years ago

Generally speaking, most people agree that a father has a very important role in the lives of their children. A father symbolizes a strong foundation for the family, security, and safety. To support the children with their financial, emotional, spiritual needs . For I too, proud to say that even we are not abundant with material things, gladly my father set a good example for us and teach to be responsible with ourselves.

Parenting can contribute to the mental health, social, and academic performance of their kids. However, there are also families with the absence of a father which gives great effect with the kids.

Father's Relevance

1.Father is a model on how to respect women

Daughters often look upon their father, to show gentleness and respect with women. While growing up and became an adult they still turn back with their father's traits, with caring to her mother by showing his love to her. The influence of a father will affect his children in a life long situation.

2.Father's shape the children self-esteem

The presence of the father develops a big sense of self and constantly become more optimistic in their capacities. To develop optimistic self-esteem, a strong father and their children bond is the key. The absence of the father can have a great effect on the family.A child with an active father will be more capable of doing different task and responsibilities in life because of a good development during childhood through a father's teaching.

3.Father is a model of hard work

Fathers are more than just an adult in the household. Active fathers – especially physical fathers – bring favorable advantages to their children that no other individual is as inclined can make. They contribute security and financial support and male role models. They have a parenting technique that is very unusual from that of a mother and that distinction is crucial in healthy child development.

3.Father is a model of social life

They provide kids with a comprehensive variety of social backgrounds. They also introduce them to a wider method of dealing with life. They manage to stress ,regulations, right, fairness, and responsibility in the discipline. In this way, they instruct children on the objectiveness and importance of right and wrong. They provide children insight into the world of men. They educate them for the challenges of life and illustrate by illustration the significance of respect between the sexes. About this, research implies that a married father is substantially less likely to hurt his spouse or kids than men in any other classification.

A father will always be the one that children want to lean on. The man whom they looked on how to deal with different situations in life.

4.Fathers a model of beliefs and practices in life

This is an aspect of growing in faith and practices that we had in the family this being instilled by our fathers. They are responsible to brought us into good teachings and moral values, there are likely to be applicable until adulthood. The advice of the father is always the thing that matters for all of us. It is subject to be heard and needs to be given attention by the children.

I was married for nine years now, but since then, and every time I have to do some decisions I will always turn back on how did my father react or decide on some family issues.

Dads who stay with their children and take moments out of their days to give attention to important events are far more likely to have an encouraging impact than nonexistent fathers.

For dads who live apart from their kids, there are insufficient choices for connecting fatherly relation.

I have observed a lot of children whose fathers worked far from home like overseas workers, find it hard to relate with fatherhood obligation because they are lack of portrayal model of a father.

Father deserves to be respected by the family members since they used to be the strong wall in the home.

Well, regardless of a father who is not a good example for the family. Just like what happened recently with the daughter of the policeman who commit a crime in front of her daughter, gives unfavorable effect on his daughter. This is the example of a father who became an irresponsible model to his children, which that kind of act is irreversible and will stay forever in the mind of his kids while they get older. With all due respect, father should not be like him who disregarded his duty and honor.

But fathers should give value and sound advice to the family which is a must to do.

Father's words will remain forever until the kids will get older.

Fathers not only affect who we are intimately but how we have connections with humanity as we evolve. The way dad deals with his offspring will cause what he or she looks for in other people. Companions, lovers, and partners will all be selected founded on how the child anticipated the significance of the relationship with his or her father. The patterns a father bands in the friendships with his children will enact how his children communicate with other people.

Children wish to make their fathers proud, and an active father nurtures internal development and stability. Researches have indicated that when dads are affectionate and supportive, it seriously involves a child's mental and social development. It also infuses a broad understanding of well-being and self-confidence.

Thanks for reading.

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3 years ago


I grew up without a father, because my parents sparate ways when i was little. Maybe that is the reason why i like older men than younger ones or same of my age.

$ 0.03
3 years ago

Maybe you can figure out a father figure through an older men that's why you like them.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Siguro nga po..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Father it's crucial in a family. No arguments there

$ 0.00
User's avatar Ak2
3 years ago

This article just want to emphasize the value of a father in the home.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The figure of the father is as important as the figure of the mother, for every child and in every phase of life.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I agree to that, .you said it well.

$ 0.00
3 years ago