How we handle our money?

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3 years ago

An abundant life doesn't mean that we can spend a lot everytime .But for me, it having what we have and not just what we want.Contentment doesn't mean that we have to sit all day but to give the right effort without greediness and focusing on what others can do.We can utilize with what we have before getting what we want.

"A small seed can grow a big tree, everything starts with a small one."

I once knew a real story of a man who is a garlic vendor riding a bicycle, he used to distribute it to different stores and household each day.Together with her family they put the garlic on a cellophane and sell it for 1 peso every piece of garlic.Later on, they try another one, the pepper , same as usual with garlic.After how many years they have their own grocery store, a big one,and they helped out of school youth in their place by working for them.They became successful with their business because they work hard for itd they make it with passion, and for the purpose to help other people especially with the youth.

All about money;

  • Money is a good slave not a master, when a person become a slave with this thing, he can be as worst as he is, doing everything just to earn it, and it is so tiring.

  • Money is one of the reason for a divorce or breakup of relationship with husband and wife.Being a wife,I can say that budgeting with our income really matters, we don't know what will happen tomorrow and the next day, if we are unprepared financially we might suffer scarcity in the coming days especially this pandemic time.One thing also I consider is my children I don't want to see them hungry,so as much as possible I can economize our budget for the month and on the coming days.

  • If there's a disagreement on how did finances are handled, we should allocate budget for the following, savings, emergency and other expenses that we face every month.But most likely like me, every payday, we pay for our credits and the rest is for expenses, no savings at all,this is so sad but it's the reality.Another one is, spending more than we earn, is a way to get into credit before receiving our wages.

  • Money is a good tool for charity

We can do many things when we have enough money, but most of all, we can help the needy.

Some people especially an employed person says that, it is a bit challenging to budget their income and they still need to earn more, especially with a minimum wage earner and have some.

Its a better option to start a small business on your own to grow your money rather than to save it for a long time and gain a very small interest after a few years.

Life is hard of course but I believe that it will get harder if we dont know how to manage our financies, if we gain money and our mindset is to spend it as long as it exists then we will not benefit in the future.

One thing to consider is an arrangement in the household about allocating budget, not only the wife should be responsible but both of them should be aware with how they used their money.First of all, we need to prioritize, budget and spend.

I am not a knowledgeable enough to this matter because and I'm not a financial adviser but it's true to me, that it was my struggle every month because I don't have savings every payday.Im trying to start savings last month and hopefully it will progress.When I was in college I can't remember with my teachers said, that money is the first thing that we need in life, our life revolve with it, but if this is our mindset we will never be satisfied.For me, my mindset is,"Seek ye first they kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.

For me, we need to balance everything in life,there's no sole priority should arise, we have relationships also , spiritual, emotional, material all of these things must go together.If we focus in one part we cannot be productive in other factors.

Who would not want to get rich?Of course, most of us want it.But in my case, all I want is to provide my children needs and send them to school that they like and take a their course,and I can sleep with peace in my heart.

Thanks for the admin and team.

Thanks for reading.

God bless you.

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Avatar for Winx1988
3 years ago


For me, it becomes a simple process of always learning ways to make money from money, not from necessarily working for it. But that process DOES take a little bit of work as well, although less. Money makes money. This has always been true. So, my philosophy becomes 'earn it once and spend as little as possible of it so that it can grow, and spend the proceeds instead of the principal.'

Over time it works very well, and over time you find you have to work less to have what you need, and even to have what you want.

Right now because of the way I have handled my money over the years I can pretty much do what I want and not have to worry about where the next dollar comes from. And that gives me great peace of mind and personal freedom. Both things that I probably would not have if I had to bust my butt every day to accomplish the same thing had I NOT handled my money properly.

You are right, though. Balance is everything. Like my grandfather told me years ago. "It is okay to save, and RIGHT to save. But don't forget to live."

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3 years ago