How do you differentiate fake love and real love?

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3 years ago

Couples decided to get married because of the realization that they love each other. In the sense that they have a good companionship together, hang out, talking to each other, eating together, but the question, is this a real love or fake?

As I have observed married couple show their sweetness, and care for their spouse from the first time of being together but as the years goes by, they have fallen apart from each other. Why is this happening?

The first five years of my marriage was just like getting to know each other. A lot of adjustments with differences in character, habits, and favorites which sometimes don't fit in with each other. And I've come to the point of doubt if my husband says, I love you, I replied, "really?"We begin to ask questions, I became doubtful because we argue, and many times that we quarrel. It takes a very long time to get real.

How to differentiate true love and fake love? This definition of love is based on the verses of the scripture.

  • Real love can sacrifice while fake love concern only for himself

Sacrifice is a big word but it's a key to discern what is love. The willingness to sacrifice himself without asking to do it, to give unconditionally without waiting in return. To give up on something for the sake of love, receptive and able to lose for love.

Fake love is more on self gained. I've heard before there is a man who told her girlfriend that she should give herself to him to prove her love for him. What an unfair way of thinking. Selfishness will always seek the benefit of something.

  • Real love is hopeful while fake love easily give up

Hope will show the quality of real love to to achieve a long-lasting relationship. Usually, it is applied when the relationship becomes dry when there are times that both parties are cold.

Fake love will just give up easily, it doesn't endure, easily discouraged. When someone commits mistakes the choice is to put an end.

  • Real love is loyal but fake love is cheating

True love is loyal. There is no way to make it fall in love with another person. Nowadays loyalty becomes a rare character. A lot of marriage couple has been broken because of cheating. I don't like cheater who chooses to break their promises and vows for each other during the wedding ceremony.

  • Real love trusts, fake love doubts

Real love trust. There is the confidence that it will never do something that can destroy the marriage. Doubts are signs of fake love, which always asks questions and having no assurance in all aspects of the relationship.

  • Real love cheers the truth, fake love shadow of lies

True love delights the truth, it appears to be realistic and indicates honesty. Fake love covers with lies that never showed its character as it should be.

  • Real love is fulfilled, fake love is empty

True love is fulfilling, it demonstrates contentment with each other, not to find a reason to search for another person. Fake love is empty, it was not satisfied with the commitment that seeks another option.

  • Real love is patient, fake love is low tempered

True love is patient, willing to wait for the right time even that it takes time to achieve. Fake love will easily get mad it proves no perseverance to continue loving despite.

  • Real love grows in a relationship, fake love will make it toxic.

Real love grows, in understanding one another, accepting differences, stronger as it stays longer. Fake love will make it toxic, it inhibits unhealthy traits that destroy a relationship.

  • Real love last longer, forever, fake love dies

Real love lasts until the end of life, it never gives up. It stands with its vows and commitments. Fake love fades away then later on dies.

Real love will take a long time to be learned, failure in marriages emphasized the failure to show it's quality of being true. For the first five years of marriage is learning to be real for each other, through the obstacles that they will go through enables both parties to grow and become real for each other.

That's why there is a need for everyone to take time to know each other, spend quality time to develop real love. As they stay longer in which the body figures will be changed due to the expansion of time true love will still never end.

Real love prevails boldy, no doubts and impartiality to take on pursuing.

Hope this will help you.

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3 years ago
