Break free of being" Me"
Majority of people wants the best thing to happen in their lives,best in career ,education,business, love life,and many more. There's nothing bad with this goals to aim for the best or seek for something that we really hope for.Considering that what we want is what we really desire to achieve and not just a form of imitation or pleasing others like our parents or other relatives who expects a lot from us.For so many years in my life,I am often heard my family telling me that I should be like her or him who had a great job.Unfornately,nobody can tell of predict what will happened in the future,because I'm jobless at the moment.
Each of us have our own timeline,and path to follow,your destiny might not be the same as mine,your life status differ from me. There are instances that when we keep on reaching something,we forget what we really want or what we desire for ourself.
We are formed the way our parents raised us,in their beliefs,traditions and practices which sometimes it will set limitations to us ,like the do's and don't's that they wants us to follow.There are some factors that can make us holdback to what we really want to be,sometimes we are to live the way others wants us to be,that we no longer recognize who we really are.Either other people wants us to become successful as they have expected.But what if ,we end up with nothing,people might think we are a loser,I'm hurt when I heard it.
I learned not to live according what people say about me,but according to my conscience and goodwill as a human being.Humans are not given the right with dominion over humans,especially when it comes to our personal issues and desire .We have to exercise our own free will to live,to express ourselves even more.
Just like me because I'm an honor student,people expected me to become a teacher or any degree level of education,but they don't know that I want to become a dressmaker.I want to create my own style of clothes,which until now I'm still working on ,I've tried to save money so that I can buy a sewing machine,which I really wanted to do.Actually,I've tried for how many times to go back to school,not just once or twice but I can't explained it ,there's always something that can hide my plans when I am planning to do so.My parents wants me to become a teacher but they don't know that I can't handle a lot of kids,I am easily get angry and had a very low temper.I am a loner and I like to work alone in my own time frame.We know the ME I side us.Sometimes there is a voice inside that couldn't come out,our inner voice who wants to speak up of what he/she wants.
Avoid talking to yourself negatively,or what we called self- talk,like "your a loser,failure ,lame,nonsense and everything.Those words can supressed your inner self to be revealed.
It's all about knowing ourselves even better,what is it that we want to be aside from achieving degree courses.Like a hotel manager who step down after many years of helping his family and joined a singing contest on tv because he said that his passion is with singing.Knowing our best desire in life makes us live happily,not just people wants us to be but we want it personally.
You are a beautiful you whatever people may say about your personality,we may have the good and the worst side of oneself,but both still works to established our own identity.There's always a time to keep everything in balance,either in attitudes,personality,skills,as a whole human being.Be the best version of yourself, is when you know you're worth,your self identity,without comparing oneself to others.We should never live behind every shadows of others because we can no longer shine when we often hiding on it.
I'm living my life each day full of insecurities in the past days,because I'm always thinking that I should done a lot of things already at the age of 33.But,people always see me failure,I've come to think,why should I live the way they see me.If we keep on lingering with our past mistakes we can't enjoy living to who we are.It seems like I'm always carrying a heavy chain of expectations-disappointments-stress in my whole life.And I said to myself "to stop",that I need to break free,I want to live my life today,for real,that this is me,I will show myself without pretending ,or imitating others.
Who you are by the way?
I am a woman who is married, another of two,I therefore conclude that I'm not a slave of unfulfilled dreams or unreached goals, because I am created to be happy and be the reason for others to be happy too,that I am no longer a slave of my self insecurity,I want to be who I am today.
Success for me is not just having a big trophy ,an entitlement ,or a big savings account.But, success life comes with a worthwhile living,a peaceful heart and mind.Even if I'm lack of money,living in a small house but as long as I am free,sleep at night tightly,provide my family,I'm happy being Me.
Do you ever wish to be like a famous celebrity,a known artist,blogger or talented singer?But did you know that you have your own identity which you should be proud of.I always believe that we are uniquely made and wonderfully created.We may not like Jessie G,or Angelina Jolie,Catriona Gray,Black Pink or BTS but we have a peculiar self entitlement of being "ME".
You should never looked down yourselves because you don't have luxuries,your have your own story that you have written each day,and when you take a look on it,your story may remained unpublished but it's not about being in the limelight,it's about you and me whose living in our own small world and have a beautiful journey.
I wish you had a fulfilling day,knowing that you are love by the Creator of this world.I hope your healthy ,happy with your family not just today but for always.
Break free and be happy ,and say,I am Me.
Regards to all of you.
We may have different journeys, ages, or preferences, but all we have to know is that we are wonderful. We are all beautiful, and in God's perfect time, he will show us where we are destined to be. So, God bless and goodluck on your journeys.