All of us have a dream, and I am for certain that we already realized that as of now.
I always dreamed of becoming a writer, I mean I am already writing, but being payed for what your hobby is would be great, right?
Imagine, working full-time for a job that doesn't really suit your style, it's really tiring. I once worked for a Call Center company, but I quit! I like the account, the salary is fair, but the management, I can't even say it in words.
So, what I really want to say is, its annoying to have a supervisor. Someone who will always check on what you are doing, and instead of helping you correct your mistake, they will instead drag you down.
That's when I realized, maybe I should look for a way to chase my hobby, my dream, and that is writing!
I subscribe to a newsletter where they are sending writing contests and jobs that pays cents per word, but it's still quite disappointing, because no one's even trying to read your story. If they saw what you passed and read a few words about it, and they don't like the opening, they don't even finish it and will tell you, your story did not pass!
So then, I realized, I really need to look for a platform where there would be someone who will appreciate my work, even though I am not paid for it.
And then I found this website,! I am really inspired and motivated, for there are people here who appreciated my writings! And I guess, this is the right platform for me, at least for now.
What I am saying here is, do not give up on your dreams. If God gave you a goal to strive for, go for it! Chase it! If you give up now, there's no tomorrow that will wait for you. But if you fight now, tomorrow will bring you light, the light that you have been dreaming of.
Whatever happens, always dream!