The majestic of living in the plains, the adventures of a woman from the plains.

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3 years ago

Every good day must begin with the father (Sun), waking up and being able to receive the divinity of the warmth that this gives us, is priceless, truly for me the world is perfect in its most natural state, everything that happens has a reason and the sun every day to give us shelter as a father is fascinating, now, every day when I wake up I have this beautiful image next to my window as, I will not love to wake up like this? If it is beautiful, it also means that my day is just beginning with the work to be done but first of all a #Cafe to lift my spirits and wake me up completely.

As all llanera women we consider ourselves industrious women in my case I am not in the kitchen, as is typical of women but, I am aware of many things, as is the collection of fruits, watching how the crops are going and how are the cattle, although most of the day, I am busy touring the entire territory of the ranch in search of any anomaly.

When we go to a ranch the first thing we will see will be fruits, either any that can be eaten, in my case, are given the mangoes, fruit very sought after by different species, whether birds, as monkeys and us humans, the mango has properties that benefit us all, as it has a lot of vitamin C, as of Zinc, besides being very appetizing, It can also be used to make juice, jelly, mango candy, I have even eaten it as a dressing sauce, the truth is that Venezuelans know how to get the most out of this fruit, perhaps one of the most coveted throughout the Venezuelan territory. For the aforementioned reasons.

The mango grows almost anywhere, it is a tree capable of surviving almost any climate, its adaptability is quite good with a high percentage.

On the other hand, mangos can normally provide us with fruits up to two times per year, without a doubt a great source of food we have.

The jobo bush is a very tasty fruit, it has a unique taste, it is a little known fruit but it is in great demand also here among the llaneros, the jobo is a tree, quite large that has a fruit "similar to a plum" although they look alike they do not taste the same.

Both fruits have similarities only that the plum is given per year, while the jobo can give fruit several times a year. When I was younger I remember that my grandfather "coco" always looked for me in a cup after going to work in the same tree always, a tree that is located next to a river, the impressive thing is that it has been 21 years and the same tree is the same, this can give us an idea of the years that these can last. They have a great capacity for development throughout their life. The good thing about living in the plains is that we are always surrounded by fruit. Be it mango, lechosa, jobo, plum, guava, mamon, guanabana and many more.

I don't really know how this fruit came out, as far as I know it is a mixture of tangerine and lemon, its flavor is quite peculiar, between sweet and a touch of acid. Well to test our palate, it has a slightly larger appearance than the typical garden lemon. Although it looks the same on the outside, inside it has a different color (orange).

I love this type of fruit, as its citric and sweet taste is really good. Also, since I was a little girl I have been a lover of this type of fruit. Maybe because they have that acid that makes us squirm but we love it. Haha, you must really think I'm crazy. Well no, hopefully one day you will be able to taste this fruit and know what you have been missing for a long time.

The tree is a shrub, it has few thorns and has a rather thin stem. Its leaves are a little different from a common lemon bush and, a single tree can provide us with many fruits, regarding how many times a year it loads, I don't know this information completely, although, almost all the year the bush is loaded. Besides, whenever it rains it gets prettier.

My father sows corn every year as usual, although it is a very slow process, he always obtains good results, everything begins by plowing the land, a process that is done by machine (tractor) although it seems simple, the machinist has a big job here, he must know how to do it and to yield the time.

On the other hand, after plowing the land, my dad every year makes ditches, this to keep the corn crops always with water and the land is more humid, in summer months, the heat is overwhelming with temperatures around 38 degrees, quite high to bear. Even more so in a corn field, where there is no shade.

After a month and a half we begin to see significant changes, the corn bush is growing and we can see what is the change that has occurred, if the soil is good probably a good ear of corn.

Every day I must make a tour of the entire crop, although it may seem unbelievable, animals such as pigs and parrots, are lovers of the corn fields, not to mention the cattle, these burst the fences for wanting to eat the corn.

Each day leaves with the hope of a new sunrise, this image represents the end of a day, it reminds us that although it leaves it is just as beautiful, a llanero sunset has no comparison, the beauty that this represents for us has no comparison, besides being beautiful and majestic, it reminds us that it is time to return home and wait until the next day for whatever comes.

To be able to work and live in the plains is for me a true honor. Enjoying every day of this splendid landscape is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. See you guys later, I hope you like it.

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$ 2.24 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Welcomevene
3 years ago
