You can go through life without struggling

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1 year ago

Majority of people you see everyday are struggling with life. People struggle to feed themselves, people struggle to impress their families, people struggle to impress society, people struggle to be relevant among their peers. The struggles are endless.

I think one of the reason why almost everyone is struggling is because we always want to control things and make life happen exactly the way we want. To control events in life is not an easy thing to do and at the same time it is quite easy. Most of the time we fail to realize that life is not all about us alone, life events are made by billions of people and so many other factors. For example, the outcome of a football game can be changed due to change in weather. The person who doesn’t like cold weather will call it a bad weather while the one who is comfortable with cold weather will call it fair weather. But in all you cannot control the weather so do not worry about it. Now remember that the change in weather has been contributed to by many past events that happened hundreds of years ago. It’s been a long time coming. (Totally out of our our control in the present moment in time).

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The only thing you have total control over in this world is you, and sometimes it’s even difficult to control yourself. You cannot control the things that happen around you, but you can control how you react to them. I said it’s also easy to control events because among all the many factors that make up an event you are also one. If you can effectively learn to control yourself in relation to the other factors that make up an event, then the outcome for you will surely be different. You can chose to cry over spilled milk or you can chose to think of how to get another milk. That’s control.

struggling comes from worrying. You need to always remember that you cannot change the outcome of events by worrying about the outcome. Always bear in mind that there are two sides to a coin, and there are always two sides to everything in life. Life and death, good and bad, hot and cold, first and last, long and short, easy and hard etc.

These two sides vary in degrees too. Sometimes things can be very good, not too good or it can fall to the other side(bad or not too bad). Whatever you are doing expect one thing or the opposite to happen, if you are doing something that is supposed to have a good outcome don’t completely discard the fact that an unexpected factor can change the outcome of the event. If you have that kind of mindset nothing will take you by surprise.

You struggle when you try to deny or reject reality as it is. To stop struggling, you need to accept reality as it is and work on how to use that reality in your Favour. No matter how hard you try in this life you can never get out alive so why even worry about the possibility of dying one day? Always learn to say it is what it is and move on. The way you react to event will determine how your life will turn out.

Always analyze situations and events, if you can change the outcome of an event for good please change it by all means, but if you can’t change it please accept it as it is. What’s the worse that life can do to you?

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1 year ago
