Important Benefits of Drinking Water for the Body

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2 years ago
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There are various kinds of drinks that can be consumed to meet daily fluid intake. However, the best type of drink to consume is water because water is free of calories and sugar so it is healthier.

Water can fight disease in the human body through vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can be absorbed properly. Pure water without any taste can prevent various diseases such as kidney stones, constipation, hypertension, urinary tract infections and asthma.

In addition, drinking water is one of the big secrets behind the appearance of clean and glowing skin. When a person drinks enough water every day, his body will more easily remove all toxins from the skin. That way, the skin color will also experience an overall improvement.

Avoid drinking more than one liter of water in an hour. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia advises adults to drink eight glasses of 230 ml of water per day or two liters per day. In addition to drinks, fluid intake can be obtained from food, such as fruits and vegetables.

When the body does not drink enough water or other fluids, a person can become dehydrated. Dehydration can make the volume of blood plasma containing protein decreases. As a result, the blood pressure of people who don't drink enough water can also drop and can result in frequent nausea and vomiting.

Here are the benefits of water for health.

1. Prevents Dehydration

Body fluids are a "transport" of waste in and out of cells. The main poison in the body is blood urea nitrogen, a type of fluid that can pass through the kidneys to be processed and excreted in the form of urine.

Maintaining fluid intake by drinking water is very important to prevent the body from becoming dehydrated or dehydrated. Although it seems trivial, dehydration conditions that are not treated immediately can cause impaired kidney health function, seizures, and even shock that can be life threatening.

2. Lose Weight

The benefits of drinking water to lose weight will certainly be good news for friends who are on a diet program.

Consuming water can increase metabolism, making it easier for the body to burn fat and get rid of waste through sweat, urine and feces. This is of course very good for weight loss.

It's good to drink water before eating because it will give a full effect so that the portion of food to be eaten will be less. Thus the intake of calories into the body is maintained and body weight is controlled.

3. Maintain Muscle and Joint Health

Muscle cells that do not have enough fluid will not be able to maintain fluids and electrolytes so that the muscles will tire. The muscles will not function properly and their abilities will decrease.

Regular consumption of water can also increase the strength and flexibility of the muscles and joints of the body. Thus, the muscles are not stiff and the body does not get tired quickly when moving or doing activities.

4. Maintain Skin Health

Dry skin can be caused by not drinking enough water. Therefore, it is important to meet the body's fluid needs by drinking water to keep the skin and lips hydrated. Drinking enough water can also help keep lips and skin moisturized.

5. Maintain Digestive Health

When we drink enough water, the food we consume can smoothly pass through the digestive tract and prevent constipation.

Lack of fluid intake is known to interfere with digestive function and can lead to constipation. Another impact is that the intestines will absorb fluids from the stool or feces to keep the body hydrated, so that it will make it difficult to defecate (BAB).

Well, imagine if we rarely drink water and what problems will come our way. Don't forget to drink water every day.

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