3 Investments You Need To Make Before

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3 years ago

With the rise of the COVID 19 pandemic came the spur to find other means of earning a living; some set up small businesses, leveled up their financial intelligence, and made investments. Corporate organizations sought better ways of doing business; they laid off some staff and hired new and more competent ones.

While some wise people took this pandemic period to develop themselves and prepare for the coming years, some others were still drunk in their sleep. If you were not one of the many persons who took advantage of the early days of the pandemic period to prepare for the coming years, you still have till the end of December 2020; start immediately after reading this article.

1. Mental Investment. This is a key investment you should make because its returns are all encompassing. How do you invest mentally?

* Read books. It is not a lie that readers are leaders. Thought leadership in an area or more is one thing you need to aim for (it holds a lot of gains). People respect and pay the man who has something to say that could help them solve a problem.

* Skill Up. You have gifts; improve on them. You know how to cook jollof rice, great! How about seeking how to make it tastier? You can sketch, how about learning how to use colors? Improving yourself in the area of a skills you possess can help you stand while companies are laying off their staff.

* Separate yourself from every toxic environment. Living in an environment with people that give you headache or heartache is not something you want to keep up with in the remaining days of this year. Keep bad energy far away from you.

2. Financial Investment. There's this quote about saving for the rainy days. That's what financial investment is all about. Life happens. Sudden needs arise. Not having something to fall back on could be disastrous.

* Have Savings. Keep a portion of your earnings aside. There is no fixed percentage to keep as savings but 20% of your total income is a good amount.

* Buy and Hold digital currencies. You must have heard of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Their values are projected to rise in the coming years.

* Real Estate. This is one good financial investment you need to make. Value of land appreciates. With land you can choose to start a farm, build and rent out business spaces, etc.

3. Spiritual Investment. By spiritual investment, I mean, draw close to God in prayer, and fellowship with true believers. It is not a new knowledge that the world will come to an end some day; either the world comes to an end or you leave the world behind. Why spiritual investment?

* Life is spiritual. Whatever happens physically can be controlled from the spiritual realm. Hollywood and Nollywood have preached this many times.

* Jesus is definitely coming back.

* Life after death. Yes, there is a great beyond. There's a reason you read "Transition to Glory" on obituary posters; it's a transition.

The coming years hold a lot of uncertainties and a lot of promises. Making these investments will prepare you for both the uncertainties and the opportunities.

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3 years ago
