ETHW - Network and DAPP Overview

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1 year ago

Fueled by continuing insomnia, I have searched to the ends of the $ETHW blockchain and back. I can honestly say I've been enjoying the heck out of it and it's giving me Fantom/Avalanche vibes as I use the projects.

If you have previously utilized the Ethereum Blockchain and had ETH funds, be sure to add the mainnet to get the airdrop! (should appear in your wallet)

There are several projects that are very promising - here is a summary of my explorations: 

1. $UNIW

"Fork" of Uniswap - Volume of over $400k + today

With the fork being very young, the rates on pools are presently very high. (and the prices are actually stable/increasing lately)

Here's the chart from the other day:

2. $SEA

Reminds me a bit of ViperSwap if you have previously used the Harmony Chain.

NFT Marketplace Competitor to "Open Sea"

3. $okdex

"It’s very simple, on a weekly basis 50% of the total fees collected within the exchange will be distributed among all exchange’s native token holders. The user just needs to be holder of the exchange’s native token, they don’t need to stake or claim their rewards, just need to wait for it."

"And not only that, OKDEX provides a double earning for its holders because its native token also distributes rewards in the form of ETHW. In this case the distribution is done automatically by the contract function based on the trading volume. Again, it is not necessary to staking the token or claiming it on any platform, it is enough for the user to be holder of the OKDEX Token."

4. $Powge

I haven't done as deep of a dive on this - but it's a meme coin with a working dex and you can place your holdings in a pool with $powge/Eth to earn yield. 

5. Beatles - appears to be one of the top NFTS on the blockchain currently:

(purchase here)


NFT Marketplace - holds all top projects on the chain. 

7. Crypto Butchers - NFT Crypto Game


I minted one of their NFTS. Solid mediocre. I have not played the game yet.

8. POWSwap

I haven't utilized this one much - the volume is steady and price seems steady. 

9.Panda Launchpad

$ 0.00
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1 year ago
