Online business or online fraud!!??

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3 years ago

At present, the amount of fraud in online business has increased a lot. I'm oi not saying everyone is a fraud. But these people are hiding among good people.

Now most of the students want to do small jobs in online for some money in their spare time. And they are in the grip of all these cheating people. The swindler says add fee, fixed salary etc. and takes money from them. And most people can't even say anything to anyone because of shame. Now the rate of fraud has increased so much that people are afraid to get a online job. Our government should take tough steps in this regard.

I will say at the end that everyone should be careful.


$ 0.00


Online business is a medium through which many people have benefited as well as many people have suffered. The reason is a few cheaters. Those who take money from people but do not give products.

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3 years ago