Stories of gold: the role of money in life

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Avatar for Walidmok
2 years ago

In a small town that seems completely deserted, like other cities in difficult economic conditions, and everyone is in debt, and lives on borrowing, suddenly a rich tourist comes to that town, enters the hotel, puts $100 on the reception counter, and goes to check the rooms upstairs. In order to choose a suitable room, in the meantime, the receptionist takes advantage of the opportunity, takes the hundred dollars, and rushes to the butcher; to pay his debt.

The butcher rejoices at these dollars, and rushes them to the cattle dealer; to pay the rest of his dues, and the cattle merchant in turn takes the hundred dollars, and takes it to the feed merchant; to pay off his debt, and the feed merchant hurries to the owner of the truck who delivers the fodder to him; To pay his late dues, then the truck dealer takes the amount, and rushes to the hotel in which he resides if he comes to this city, and pays the value of his stay if he comes, and gives the receptionist the hundred dollars, and the receptionist puts the hundred dollars on the reception table before the tourist disembarks from His inspection tour of the hotel, and disembark the tourist who did not

He likes the level of the hotel, takes the money, and leaves the city, and none of the city's residents has gained anything, but everyone paid his debts •

Wisdom: If you want to look at the way money is circulated, it is enough to draw this picture in your mind.

$ 0.10
$ 0.10 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Walidmok
2 years ago
