Why do we Choose Angular JS?

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Avatar for WIKI_PET
3 years ago

Everything that Angular Js provides, we can also implement ourselves by using Javascript and jQuery or by using

another MVC JavaScript framework. Even though it is possible to do it, it will need lot of coding to build the structure

requiring manifold time and programming. Against this hard work, Angular Js offers us a lot of functionality out of the


Some of the reasons which prompt us to choose Angulards are

AngularJS framework makes us implement MVC and makes it easy tor us to correctly implement MVC. The

declarative style of AngularJS HTML templates makes the construction of the HTML obvious.

The model components of AngularJS are nothing but basic JavaScript objects. So it becomes easy to access

and handle our data.

AngularJS allows us to have our custom defined tags in HTML. This makes it possible for Us to name tne tags in a self-describing manner. This declarative approach extends the functionality of the tags and results in a direct link between the HTML tags and the JavaScript functionality described by them. Another advantage of AngularJS is that it provides simple and flexible fiter that help us to easily format data

as it passes from the model to the view. AngularJS applications use less code than traditional JavaScript applications. This is because we focus only on the logic and not all the finer details, such as data binding. They are made available to us by the Angulards

framework. AngularJS applications need less Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation than conventional methods. It is easier to design applications based on presenting data than on DOM manipulation. AngularJS supplies several built-in services and helps us to implement our own services in a structured and

reusable way. It is easy to test applications and develop them using a test-driven approach.

1.3.1 MVC Architecture Pattern

We saw that AngularJS supports MVC architecture in software development. MVC pattern is a way of design and

development. It is a general paradigm used in many frameworks used for software development. AngularJS also follows this pattern of development and makes the developer adhere to this structure. In the MVC application development pattern, the different parts of the application are broken into components to do distinct tasks.


is responsible for

maintaining data


Control is the interaction

between Model and View


is mainly responciable for

displaying data to the user

The Model holds the data and logic, the View holds tne visual layou and presentation, while the Controller coordinate

the Model and View.

In summary, remember that MVC is a design pattern that we follow while we develop our applications. It is used in many other frameworks also other than AngularJs.

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Avatar for WIKI_PET
3 years ago


Wow Angular Guider

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3 years ago

Amazing stuff

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3 years ago

0345$34333 this is germany number

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3 years ago

Can you write for.me

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3 years ago

Angular is not for C

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3 years ago