Spontaneous trip to Paris.

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2 years ago
Topics: Places, Future, Writer, Blog, Paris, ...

Good morning everyone, or evening, depending on where you are on planet Earth and when you are reading this. For me it is a late afternoon, the time when I want to tell you about my very spontaneous trip to Paris, that took place two years ago in October. 

For the context - Paris is quite far away, about 2 hours by plane so spontaneous Paris is quite a big deal.

A very good friend of mine, also a classmate, and I were sitting in class when she got a text from her boyfriend.  The message was something like: “The school has come up with a trip that we are going to Paris for 2 days in 3 weeks.” I jokingly said, "Why don't we buy tickets, fly to Paris and meet him there for a while?". A classmate texted her boyfriend what I said as a joke - He said that he'd rather come with us. 

And so the whole idea of Paris was born. Only since a boyfriend of a classmate joined us, I would be there like a fifth wheel, so we convinced our mutual friend to join us.  

The very next day we bought our plane tickets, booked a hotel and about a month later we flew. 

P.S. two of us never flew and the other two only with a travel agency. 

Well, what could have possibly gone wrong?

Overall, nothing went wrong. We were just a bit cheated right under the Eiffel Tower, a few embarrassing things happened in the process, we were quite upset at the end, but all in all, it was a great trip!

What did I like/dislike most about Paris?

  • The pastry was just great.

Our hotel was right next to a supermarket and though we bought supermarket pastries it was just great. We had croissants or other sweets for breakfast almost every morning and during the day. 

  • Everything was so expensive.

The Czech Republic is kind of a cheap country, and we thought that since France is still in Europe it will be cheap too. Except it wasn't at all. For just food in a restaurant, we paid almost as much as for the whole dinner here, in the Czech Republic. 

  • French people didn't know coffee without caffeine. I am not angry because of that, it is just a funny story. 

My friends wanted to go to a coffee shop, which I don't usually go to because decaf coffee is just useless - I have high blood pressure, so I don't drink coffee at all. But since they wanted to go there, I had no choice but to at least have decaf. Unfortunately, I failed. It's possible it was the language barrier, or the café just didn't have decaf. 

  • There are a lot of scammers out there. 


We had just come out of the Eiffel Tower when we were surrounded by a group of people who pretended to be deaf. They were looking for some signatures on a piece of paper, we asked several times if they wanted money - they said no. When we signed they suddenly wanted money. I don't generally carry much money so even then I didn't have much but my friend the smallest note she had was 50€ and we really needed to go so she told them she would give them 5€ if they would change. Well of course they took the 50€ and ran away... 

Thank you for reading! Would appreciate any tips!

You can read my other articles about the Czech Republic, crypto, and many others topics on my publish0x profile here. 

You can also find me on noise.cash.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Places, Future, Writer, Blog, Paris, ...
