My journey for independence.

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2 years ago


I am Tomáš and my life is kinda crazy. Or at least it has been the past half of a year. And not only crazy, really stressful as well

What for? Independence. Getting independent to be precise.

  • Moving across the Republic, to my own place. Where I don't know a single soul

  • College. 

  • Have to deal with everything from now on.

  • And the biggest issue - Missing the dishwasher, I have to wash dishes with my hands now!! For the first time in my whole life 🥺. 

I know that I sound like a spoiled kid right now, but it really gives me quite a few issues. 


Lots of kids are going to college, becoming independent. Why are you even telling us this?!


Because I was wondering what my next article will be about. And it's something I've been going through for a while now, and maybe it will help someone who's going to be moving next year, or the year after, the year after that, and so on. And I still want to improve my English skills. English is not my first language, and since I got out of high school there is no better place where I can practice. 

So I hope Y'all doing great, you can tell me in the comments down below how you are doing. 

And now back to my journey! 

In the Czech Republic, the structure of the school system works a little differently than in the US, as far as I know.

Quick description:

  • First, you have to go to kindergarten, only last year is mandatory.

  • At the age of 7, you go to Elementary school, which lasts 9 years. Whole elementary school is mandatory as well. 

  • Then it's up to you whether or not you go to high school. Which can last 3 or 4 years, depending on the level of education you want to get - 4 years for "matriculation".

  • After that, you can choose to go to college. Which ranges from 3 to 5 years. Three years for the bachelor's degree & five years for the master's degree.

    • !But you can go to college only with a high school diploma.!

  • After that, you have other education options, but we won't go into that.

And let me be clear, I went to college because I didn't want to work a 9 to 5 job. So yep, I went to college completely random, without knowing if I would even enjoy it. 

What did I choose? 

I chose the Law faculty in Pilsen. And I do not have the thing in my head saying “ I wanna be a lawyer to help people, to make the world a better place.” I had law as a subject at High School, and I quite enjoyed it? And the title before the name is also cool to have. Just so we're clear... After three whole weeks of college, I'm still not sure that's what I want. Have any of you, my dear readers, had the same problem?  


Now let's go back in time a little bit to before the move. I didn't start to care about everything until the last minute. Saturday was the big DAY of moving my ass from my mum's house. I started packing on Friday evening… So, quite predictably, I forgot a lot of stuff. I drove back across a quarter of the country to pick up the rest, and still be able to forget something.


I may say that the first few days alone were really sad. Blank flat, nothing to do, a completely new city for me, a city that I honestly still don't completely like. It was really tough, every damn minute I thought I was going to give up. But I stayed.. and I guess it paid off. I know few people, I don't know what to do for days = I am very productive. I write myself a to-do list every morning. I've started reading, which I've never done before, I get a lot of work done every day. I mean, look at me… I'm currently writing this article in the morning, at a time when I used to be in bed. 

I know it's not very sustainable to be so alone. But so far, so good... at least until I have something to work on. 

And don't tell me to just talk to people in the class. Whatever class I take, there are always at least 80 people there. And I have some kind of social anxiety, so it is really hard for me to talk in front of so many people. In smaller groups, I am more than alright, talkative, friendly. But in front of so many people, I just can't do it. Would appreciate any tips on that subject as well. 

Thank you for reading! Would appreciate any tips!

You can read my other articles about the Czech Republic, crypto, and many others topics on my publish0x profile here. 

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Written by
2 years ago


Ah exciting times! I remember the excitement of moving out from my parents, doing what you want to do! And washing by hand you will get used to soon enough. Enjoy it though, it is that wonderful time to be free and enjoy life!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The article is about three months old, and at the time it was really stressful and totally uncomfortable. But now I'm finally enjoying myself here and it's wonderful to be free!

Thank you for your comment!

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2 years ago