"MM-MM-MM, it does not smell good! Let's buy some."
How many times have you reacted to such a pleasant scent as this? This shows the powerful odor effect in humans.
The nose is a wonderful gift from God to mankind. In this regard, the journal Scientific American states: “For a chemist, the ability of the nose to select and characterize substances is almost unbelievable. They are complex compounds that it can take a chemist months to analyze in the laboratory. The nose recognizes it immediately, even in such small amounts (almost one tenth of a millionth of a gram) that the most sensitive modern laboratory instruments often do not recognize the substance, let alone analyze and label it. . ""
But be careful! Although the nose should support and protect you, today it can fool you. Your sense of smell can make you buy certain items from others that may be of the same value and cheaper. Why?
In recent years, researchers have carefully developed the odor sales technology.
Sales of diffuse odors
A look at the supermarket shelves clearly shows that perfume sales have become very popular in recent years.
Products sold by Odor include detergents, dishwashing detergents, cleaning products, hair sprays, shaving creams, disposable diapers and used cars. In the 1990s, newspaper advertisements were also added to perfumes to encourage people to buy certain products.
But why so much interest in selling with the nose?
You want an "experience"
"People are looking for products that do something for them and give them a powerful experience," says chemist and perfumer Dr. J. Stephan Jellinek. Smell has a remarkable psychological effect. Some researchers believe that odor can affect people's mood, as well as colors.
Have you ever noticed that advertisers often mark the smell of a product as the main reason for buying it? Imagine, for example, an advertisement for a particular shampoo: “It all starts when you open the bottle and breathe in the mind-blowing scent of forest herbs and mountain flowers. . . The whole experience also does beautiful things in your head. And it's an experience. The most beautiful shampoo experience in the world. ""
Another "experience" sought after by customers is purity and freshness. How do traders make it available? Again due to the smell. When it comes to the sale of disposable diapers, Dr. emphasizes Jellinek: “The customer can see and touch the sensitive structure, but cannot see or feel the sterilization. This attribute must communicate with the design and smell of the packaging. The smell, in turn, must be fair: strong enough to enhance the product's image, but not strong enough to be offensive. ""
Fragrance sales usually focus on scents that people associate with nature. Dr. Jellinek noted, for example, that teenagers prefer "natural" flavors and aromas, things that they associate with Mother Nature, such as lemon, peach, orange, apple blossom and so on. And you will notice some very successful cosmetic lines. . . They were built around these "natural" scents and flavors. ""
Have you recently purchased disposable diapers or other products because they "smell so clean and natural"? Did you know that the fragrance was added chemically to be able to buy it?
"The secret seller"
Fragrance sales have been so effective that "cosmetics, hair sprays and household products make up the bulk of the perfume industry", writes Daniel Henninger. Perfumer calls perfume "the secret seller." For example, a store had two identical tights for women, but with one difference: one case was slightly fragrant. What happened? Most women chose scented socks. "The results of these tests are sometimes quite surprising," reports Dr. Jellinek. "Women who prefer a product with 50% or more over another, just because of the smell, are not uncommon".
Printer's Ink illustrated the effects of food odor sales: “A restaurant in the White Tower in Wheeling, W.Va. wanted to increase sales of chocolate cakes. Only three records were sold per day. A machine was installed that gave off the smell of chocolate. The result? Sales increased to 32 registrations per day ”.
Being Deceived?
Perfumes recognize the perception of sales by the sense of smell and can quickly duplicate any scent. A company has around 100 flavor evolutions, following rose, pine, orange juice, banana, dill and bourbon.
But it's easy to smell an artificial concentrate that smells like people think they've heard a lemon." And clear scents are cheaper.
Would you be a part of buying things that "belong" to scents that aren't natural? Do you remember anything other than when you have groceries or other products in a supermarket because of the mouthwatering smells? You've given up on buying things you have, how many times the "secret seller" scent?
Realizing the completion of the perfume sale may be topical due to the interest in price increases. If you have a product with a personal odor, whether it's food or otherwise, remember that the smell you have should guarantee your purchase. Can You Save Money Buying Fragrance Free Items?
Good scents always attracts