My Cat and him a trifle

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2 years ago

Good evening my dears, How did you spend my day today? Here is a very interesting picture of today, I woke her up and she got up very nervous, she started scratching and biting, now I don't know what happened to her today, but I think it's from the food that I didn't give her on time. As soon as he enters the roses, there is a conflict between the cat and the man. Now what does that mean to her, do you know, can I get an answer from someone? By the way, she still has a problem with one eye, I even think she is blind. It was all until she grew up, I took her to the vet, and they said that she was blind in one eye, which can be seen in the first picture.

Dobro vece dragi moji, Kako ste mi proveli dan danas ? Evo jedne jako interesantne slike današnje probudio sam je i ustala je jako nervozna počela je da grebe i ujeda, sad ne znam šta se desavalo sa njom danas ali mislim da je od hrane što joj nisam dao na vreme. Čim udje kod ruža odma dolazi do konfliktna mace i coveka. Sad šta joj to znači dal vi znate , dal mogu neki odgovor da dobijem od nekoga ? Inače ona još ima problem sa jednim okom čak mislim i da je slepa. Sve je to do odrastanja, vodio sam je kod veterinara i rekli su da je oslepela na jedno oko to može da se vidi i na prvoj slici.

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2 years ago
