Parenting, harder responsibilities

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3 years ago
Topics: Parenting

Parenting, the process of raising children and providing them with protection and care in order to ensure their healthy development into adulthood.

Parents are responsible for their children. A kind of responsibility that no one can degrade. Parenting is a complex activity that includes more than a specific behavior that works individually and together to influence a child outcome.

Before I become a mother, whenever my mother tells me what to do and I disobeyed her orders, she always say " you will experienced being disobeyed by your children if you'll become a mother soon, like what you did to me now" . I never listened to her words because I don't even know if I get married because in my mind "who s sane guy will Mary me" I keep on asking it to myself.

One time I meet a guy and we fell inlove. To make the story short, We're married. I felt afraid because in my mind "this what my mother keep on telling me, to have a family soon". So time goes by, I bear a child in my womb and I'm so much happy because finally, I can see already my minimi. To make again the story short, I delivered a cute little girl and I named her Sheryl. She's so adorable and cute and she looks exactly like me, my version . When she grows up, I can seen already her attitude, she always disobeyed my orders and keep on running away from me. I remember instantly what my mother had told me when I was a young girl, that my child will do the same on what I did to my mother before.

Parenting is a big challenge for me. A kind of responsibility that cannot be abandoned, ignore and surrender. The attitude of your child is depending on how the parents work hard for their child. Be teachable, be a good listener and be observant. We can gather that parents are one of the key components in fostering a child’s development. A lot of quality aspects are needed in order to be a respectable parent.

The relationship between a parent and a child is the strongest relationship that could ever exist. Parents are not right all the time. You need to listened first your children's side of story before making conclusions, because you might regret the possible results of your actions. Every word, movement, action and behaviour has an effect on children. No other person, from friends to outsiders, can have a greater impact on children than parents themselves.

Discipline is an area that is commonly known to parents as the place where we seem to make the most mistakes. For many parents, particularly those in difficult circumstances, this is not easy to achieve and they may need an extra help.

Families are essentially about relationships and how people relate both within their families. Parenting is about love, Kindness and caring. The hardships of being a parents are paid off just by seeing their children healthy and well cared off.

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3 years ago
Topics: Parenting
