Make Sure It's Genuine When You Say "I Love You"

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4 years ago

 "I Love You"

We get to make use of this sentence many times and as short and simple it may sound there's actually a lot meaning to that sentence, either telling someone you love them or they telling you they love you.

The sad thing here is that we often abuse these words, you tell someone "I love you" out of joke without actually meaning your words.

I believe love goes beyong words alone, if you do love someone then you should be able to show it in action, action they say speaks louder then words.

You love someone, all your action around them should show you actually do. There a countless number of ways you can show love to others.

A simple act of kindness such as helping someone In need no matter how little or small is a very big enough to show love.

Hence when you use the word I love you and it actually reflects in your actions, only then can it be called true love.

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Well, love is one of the most used words in the world, love is real, and love is good, but don't because of what you want to get from someone you use love as a bait

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4 years ago

We must always ensure it genuine love before saying it back

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4 years ago

Love is one of the Sweetest Feeling. It should be expressed just only said. . Love Is sweet mostly when with the right person

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4 years ago

Yes that my belief also that love ❤️ goes and comes around

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4 years ago

Love is a beautiful thing it's a feeling one can't help so why fake it.

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4 years ago

Love is a strong word,we should always make sure we mean it when saying it.

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4 years ago

Love is beautiful when you find the right person

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4 years ago

Live is awesome if you are in love with a good partner

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4 years ago

The things of love shouldn't just be what we say without meaning it.

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4 years ago