Change such mentality!

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Avatar for Villez
Written by
3 years ago

Quick question!

Why do some people have this impression that when someone refuses to help them when they ask then they think there's every tendency that things would turn good for them and bad for that person in future

Like you go to somone and you ask for help, the person tells you he or she doesn't have to help you out, you leave there and the next thought that comes to your mind is how you will make it big someday and take revenge back at that person. 

So you think while you're hustling to reach where the person is he or she doesn't have other plans to move further? My friend God doesn't work that way, he's not that biased, he can't bless you and refuse to bless that person because he refused to help you. 

The only reason he refused to help you is well known to him. Accept it in good faith without wishing for his downfall. 

If you have such mentality please change without hesitation.  Good morning.

$ 0.00


Power is the best

$ 0.00
3 years ago

thanks for this mate

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are absolutely right

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

They shoukd change such mentality

$ 0.00
3 years ago

If someone refuses to help you when you're in need, I think instead of blaming that person, it's better you seek and search 🔎 yourself because you must have done something wrong somewhere

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I will only agree with this post with just 20 percent. The remaining 80 percent I will say no to this writing. People are really bad that they refuse to help other no matter what.

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3 years ago

You are right, we tend of think bad of someone when they can't help you when we don't know what they are going through.

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3 years ago

It's very bad to think that way.

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3 years ago

Lol asin Ehn that mentality is as a result of Nollywood movies

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3 years ago

If someone refuse to help you does not mean they are bad,they make have their reasons for that.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's an old and outdated mentality The best revenge in life is to make it

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3 years ago

Are you sure God works like dis

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3 years ago

Yes such way 🚦 is not proper follow right direction

$ 0.00
3 years ago