I heard about cryto few months from a friend of mine but i thought it was a scam then so I didn't involve in anything online back then,he told me about these two platforms but i didn't listen i already made up my mind not to join because i wasn't convinced alot to do it...
On a fateful day i argued with him because i noticed a change in him,he was changing clothes and shoes every week,i took some time to ask him where he was getting money and he told me it's from crypto but I didn't believe so i just told him to show me how it works and he converted his BCH into our local currency and within few seconds we received the credit alert that it has entered..i was shocked that it's real and legitimate so i told him that i would join and he showed me a platform where i could earn from...
Having good friends around is good because they would share the way they make their money to you and they would want you to join to make it in life..i never believed such friends still exist but my friend made me happy..
Promoting BCH in our locality.
I'm writing my exams at hand but as soon as I'm done I'm planning on promoting the love of BCH to our community,i would like to share BCH to each and everyone of us in the state and make them have a knowledge of crypto, before the release of the digital naira well since most of us aren't in support of that i need to spread awareness to each and everyone of them so that they wouldn't agree with the government when they launched the digital naira...
I would like to onboard merchant into accepting BCH,i have one merchant at hand which sells soft drinks and does computer works like typist and photography i think she has a lot of customers so i would use her to spread BCH to every customer that comes to buy something from her.
Bringing people into the crypto world isn't an easy task,we just need to convince them and tell them how fast and secure the coins are online and the transaction fees for sending it is low compared to our local currency which charges #100 naira per month for debit and credit messages.
The hardship in this country is getting out of hands and many people are going into kidnapping and fraud which are very bad to the society,i think engaging this youths and teaching them about crypto would make them have a good knowledge of how it works and it can bring about job opportunities for them....
My love for crypto currency is now very strong i just hope this opportunity comes to many people also..
I hope y'all would like my article about my journey into crypto..
Have a great day ahead reader's!!
Alright... Good article