Writing makes us victorious

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2 years ago

It's victory in itself being able to express thoughts thru writing.

You win the fight of internal battle when you finally pen down those that are rioting inside you.

No matter how seemingly mundane your thoughts are to others, it doesn't matter because you wrote it.

Importante, you were able to express. Even if seemingly, you have struggled a lot along the way.

The moment you let your hand take hold of the mighty pen, you already chose the path to victory.

So if you think you are a loser, all you have to do is write and you will become a winner.

Society's standards about winning is short-sighted. Writing will take us a long way and it will lead us to the right path.

I believe everyone has something to say and express. If we do try to write out things, one way or another, we are building a bridge to our dreams and aspirations.

A lot of writing materials are available nowadays. Sadly, we take it for granted that we have a lot of means to write.

But those who are up to the challenge will surely reap their fruits in the long run.

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Avatar for VictoriousHermit
2 years ago
