And in the blink of an eye...

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Avatar for VictoriousHermit
2 years ago
Photo free from Unsplash

It's all gone.

Your pride, your ego, your proud face, etc. Your shoulders drop and you go on living your life with lowered eyes.

In time, you'll forget how you managed to be so proud when you were still there-up! Your face will begin to look gaunt or you'll put on unnecessary weight and you'll soon be the talk of many. And what good will this drop to you now?

Life is a joke. But not. It leads you to the peak and it pulls you down right after. And it has been better going up than descending the steep hills to the bottom.

When your life changes in the blink of an eye, then you have to hold on to something. Hold on dearly or you will hit your head on the ground. Don't let go until you've grasp the situation you are on.

But don't falter. Find your feet and go somewhere to rest for the meantime. Don't think first. But think well afterwards. Think think think.

What has just happened? You ask. And you realize how your life has been turned around by some circumstances.

What will you do now that you have realized your footing? Will you go nuts, or will you enjoy your experience instead.

Life has a way of showing us different things. And it's not a fall that isn't worth it. In life, if we know how to look at it, we realize that nothing's ever wasted. Nothing's ever a waste if we learn the most of it.

Use the time you are on the ground to understand how life goes on. Use it to understand success. Use it to understand why so many people were jealous of your previous life. Use the experience to gain strength and energy. And use the ground to your advantage.

Laugh at life and it will laugh with you. But do it with love and compassion. When you laugh with love and compassion, life will turn you around once again and it will do you good.

Just remember your time on the ground, your life at the bottom. You'll never scorn or despise anybody else again. If you could be as understanding as you can.

It's now time to focus on your goals more than ever. And the ultimate means we are given is our ability to communicate with Him. He knows everything. He knows our heart, He knows how to launch us for our good.

Till then, be hopeful and positive. But be wary at the same time. You do not want to fall yet again. For you also are just a human that could bear not for a long time something that's meant to batter us.

So be good with yourself and to your life and get back up again.

You can do it, my good comrade. Keep safe until you find your way again.

Some people think that hitting rock bottom is the end of a person's life. But have you ever thought that it may be the point where you are launched higher than ever?

Think about it. You may have a high chance of getting pulled out to be placed to a better position than before.

It may break a person's spirit, that's understandable. And speaking here may sound so easy. But no. It's not easy at all. You'll get sick. You'll lock yourself up. You cry like it is for forever. But you'll soon overcome such.

PS: Just know that you are not alone. If it may make you feel better.

PS2: Many people go through the same. What's different is how you deal with it. Not all will use the situation to their advantage. Some will have been destroyed forever.

PS3: If you really can't go back up, then go around and meet new people. It's a chance given by heaven sometimes. Just maybe, you need it to find what really makes you happy.

PS4: Yours truly is still in a daze. Still don't know what to think of. Just sporadic thinking now and then. But I feel as if some senses are being knocked into me that I get to write all these. Can't say exactly what's up with me. Just that, I've been experiencing unusual amount of strange things coming to me.

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Avatar for VictoriousHermit
2 years ago
