Growing Old in Style

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Avatar for Victoria
3 years ago

You may not be able to move as easily as when you were in your twenties, or see as good as you could when you were in your 30s, but growing old doesn’t have to be a nuisance just because your body is slowing down. As a matter of fact, now that you have so much time on your hands and all the wisdom you’ve gained throughout the years, you can put it all to good use and start living your life all over, while having a lot of fun along the way. Instead of feeling down for turning 70, you should accept your age and grow old in style with the help of the following few suggestions.

Try out new things

There’s no time like the retirement years, to try out everything you didn’t have time for when you were caught up in the hustle and bustle of job and errands. Pick up new leisure activities and start crossing the items off your bucket list. Pilates, tai chi and yoga are all great activities that you can engage in without the fear of injuring yourself. Swim, cycle, walk more and enjoy spending time outdoors as much as possible to prevent starting a sedentary lifestyle. You’ll feel invigorated every time you go for a walk, so take your grandchildren and bring them to a playdate in a park to spend some quality family time with them.

Don’t be in denial

Growing old doesn’t only imply you’ll have more time for yourself, but it also means that your health will need more monitoring and more frequent check-ups. Don’t risk collapsing in the streets just because you were too lazy or afraid to go check your blood pressure or heart condition. If you’ve noticed that your motor functions aren’t as good as they used to be, that you’re slowly starting to forget some common facts you’ve known, or that you often misplace your keys, remote controls, and a cell phone, it’s time you go to the doctor and start making regular health check-ups. They may estimate that you need constant care, in which case you shouldn’t deny the help of your loved ones because it's in your best interest to always have someone who’ll make sure all your needs are being met. If your children can’t take you in or don’t have enough time to be by your side, you should consider looking for multicultural aged care near you and offer yourself amazing care while giving your loved ones' peace of mind. You’ll also have the chance to socialize more and meet new people which is another benefit of accepting aged care.


Even though hard work gives you a sense of accomplishment and self-worth, it’ll also take its toll on you eventually. This is exactly why you should use your retirement years to rest and connect to your inner self. Now that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour, it’s essential that you do your best to lead a peaceful and vigorous life. Meditation helps you de-stress, it activates the happy part of the brain and it also aids your memory. So, make sure your emotional, physical and mental health are all in check and start meditating every day, whenever you find it suitable.


Not having to work all day long gives you plenty of time to connect with people and even make new friends so you can avoid feeling lonely and isolated from everyone. Think about organising a family night every week and call all of your children and grandchildren to your house for dinner, or cookies and game night. You can also go out to dinner, or have a nice family outing to a park where you can have a family picnic. Join a club and meet new people your age who are also retired and in need of some companionship. Sharing your experiences with peers will make you feel less alone and if you start spending more time with your children or people younger than yourself, you'll feel more accomplished and proud to share your wisdom do younger generations.

Final thoughts

Reaching your golden years doesn’t have to be dreading because you can find plenty of activities to fill your free time and distract you from the fact that you’re growing old. Make the most of your retirement, and start experiencing new things, socializes more, pay attention to your health and meditate in order to grow old gracefully.

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Avatar for Victoria
3 years ago
