Mockery but belt

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2 years ago
Topics: Mockery

Good day and happy New month to all my lovely friends, I'm very grateful to see this New month of June,I pray that May this new month favour each and every one of us in JESUS Christ name Amen.

Good people mockery is a tools used by devil to stop many people from building,

Good people when you are mock you become useless in life, mockery has stopped many people from building, mockery has stopped many people from building their ministering and Mockery has also stopped many people from building their destiny, and building their marriage, mockery has made somany people to give up in life, when you are mock you become lonely, mockery has made somany people to do what they supposed not to do in life, and when you are mock you feel depressed.

Good people even JESUS Christ was mock by Satan,in Matthew 4:3, Satan said to JESUS Christ if you are the truth son of God Command this stone, Jesus Christ can do anything that he wants to do, but Satan just mock him, the criminal that was on the cross with JESUS mock JESUS and said if you are the son of God why are you here, "Saved your self" there are iden mockery and open mockery, they mock every body especially the children of God, mockery can makes you give up in life,no matter how you mock don't give up in life GOD is there for you,

Good people no matter how you mock, continue your journey in life, continue your building, forward ever and backward never, moving forward is like going up without the staircase, when you are failure in life that means you are mock, when you stop moving it's means you are mock,no matter the sorrow, trials, temptation you facing in life, good people don't give up, take authority and stand for your self,

Good people HANNAH in the Bible was mock because she had no child, but when Hannah knows that she was mock, she when to the altar and cry to GOD atlast Jehovah GOD suprise her with a beautiful child and the mockery stop, you can be mock with title, you can be mock with gifts, but no matter how you mock in life there will be joy in the morning.

Closing thoughts;

Good people once again moving forward is like going up without the staircase, you can still continue in life even when you are mock, Hannah did not give up in life when she was mock instead she cried to God,so no matter the temptation's of life talk to God he will surely hear your cry, hope to see again.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago
Topics: Mockery


Just do it whenever you know that it is a good deed and do not violate God's commandments because the mockery of the devil will not be able to match the power of God.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes you are at the right position, GOD power can never be matched with his mockery.

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2 years ago