Don't be a lazy type

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2 years ago
Topics: Laziness

Happy wonderful day to All my friends and love ones on this platform,

Good people Laziness means unwilling to do work, in other word you are trying to do something but you can not,it means laziness, laziness can keep someone in one position, you can not be lazy and got promotion, when you are lazy it means you are totally weak both spiritually and physically, Laziness bring confusion to your way.

Good people Laziness can damage your future,it can destroy your plans,in every angle don't be lazy,as a child of God you don't have to be lazy, there's a saying that says a lazy person is a devil workshop, there's no successful man that is a lazy type,if you must to survive in life you have to work hard, working hard is a sign of seriousness, focuses on your phone day and night, writing, reading and commenting is a sign of seriousness.

Good people in these platform,we are working very hard, to write,read, and comments day and night it's not an easy thing, Even JESUS said that we should not give lazy people food,no food for lazy people.

Good people even JESUS was not a lazy type,he was busy preaching the word of God, Any body that is sleeping always is a lazy type, you can not sleep and achieve your goals, sleepiness is a sign of laziness, you can not just wake up on sleep and got a job, you must work hard before you can get a good job.

Good people working hard can attract Appointment, working hard can attract promotion, but laziness can can not do and it will never attract that, when you are weak it shows that you are lazy, the Bible says that there's a time for everything,a time to sleep and a time to work but somepeople are using their time of work and sleep which is not proper, Rich men are passing through pains, hard working before they became Rich, during my secondary School time when others are sleeping we are reading, when they are playing we are reading but finally we came out as a successful student in the school.

Closing thoughts:

Good people working hard will move you move you forward in life and laziness will move you back Ward in life, laziness will make you going backwards, it's better to work hard and move forward than to be lazy and going back Ward in life, hope to see in the next article, May God be with you all and keep you safe.

Thanks for reading.

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2 years ago
Topics: Laziness


The fastest way to attract failure is to embrace laziness in a task. Laziness would make you love idleness the more and hence being unproductive

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2 years ago

Yes you got it

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2 years ago