Direction Is Faster Than Speed

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Avatar for Vicani12
2 years ago

Grew with great ambitions, Endowned with divers visions, decorated with different ideas...but no goal..

The bank of his ideas is able to feed the nation if given opportunity to be dished out...he has what he it takes to motivate masters of different endeavours, yet he is Master of NON.

His Willingness to try every new things left him with nothing to be known for.

Highly gifted, Multi - talented... Hmmm hey bro... #talent_is_not_enough.

The mansion of his life is made of Multitudes of unfinished, abandoned, and undeveloped projects.

Looks successful to those his words have motivated.

but in reality, he is loss in the multitude of his dreams which is almost rendering his life meaningless ( Ecclesiastes 5;7).

In his closet, in the midst of pressure to be heard, he try to give his life a measure, his heart weighs heavier than a thick cloud that is ready to release itself on the earth.

His mind blowing ambitions are at the stage of suffocating, like a rat locked inside an enclosed bottle...Help! Help!! Help!!! ( His ambitions cries out).

Listen to the words of the ancient; the eagle soars, the snake hisses, the cock Crows... WHAT ARE YOU KNOWN FOR?

who have you developed yourself into being, remember you're called humanBEING and not humanDOING...stop DOING plenty things, instead, develop yourself to BEING something...

to be continued....



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