Nikola Tesla - The Power Of 3, 6, And 9

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3 years ago

Why did arguably the greatest inventory of all time have such a fascination with the numbers 369? What did Nikola Tesla mean when he said: “If you knew the magnificence of 369 you would have a key to the universe”? These numbers mean something, and they must mean something significant if Tesla was so obsessed with them. Tesla would only stay in hotel rooms that contained the number 369. He would also only stay on the 3rd, 6th, or 9th floor. It’s reported that he would circle the block 3 times before attending a meeting (sometimes 6, sometimes 9).

Nikola Tesla was considered eccentric and ‘out there’, possibly just having OCD. He clearly knew something we haven’t yet grasped, because he’s responsible for much of modern technology. The modern radio we use today, as well as alternating current (AC which powers most of our electronics). I’m going to explain how you can literally manifest everything you’ve ever desired and unlock the key to the universe by utilizing the ‘divine numbers’ 369.

Who Is Nikola Tesla?

He isn’t just named after Elon Musks’ car company either. Nikola Tesla was born in Serbia on July 10th 1856 and came to the U.S. in 1884. Once in the states he very briefly worked for Edison Machine Works before leaving and going out on his own. You may be familiar with the Tesla coil, or his other far out inventions (at one point he was working on a death ray). The AC generator that Tesla created would be utilized at Niagara Falls and is considered the first modern power plant.

When Albert Einstein was posed with the question: “What is it like being the smartest man in the world?”, He responded “I don’t know, you would have to ask Nikola Tesla.”. Whether that was a back handed compliment, or Einstein was ‘throwing shade’ at Tesla only you can decide. I believe Einstein meant what he said, and he had tremendous respect for Tesla and the work he produced. (and it was a high level burn).

Nikola Tesla had a mind that was both a blessing and a curse. His ideas were radical and future altering, and many times simply misunderstood. Tesla had a true desire to find new and better ways of improving and making the way we use electricity more efficient. Shortly before his death, Tesla spoke of a new form of energy he was working with that was not only cheap to run but would last hundreds of years. Tesla truly understood that whatever you can see in your mind, you can hold in your hand!

Why Are The Numbers 3, 6, and 9 So Powerful?

The numbers 369 have had meaning throughout all of history. Religion, math, science, and nature all share common traits with the numbers 369.

  • The Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)

  • A circle has 360 degrees (3+6+0=9)

  • A half circle has 180 degrees (1+8+0=9)

  • Triangle has 3 sides

  • Rule of Three (Everything in 3’s is perfect)

  • In the Bible man was created on the 6th day

  • Golden Ratio

  • Solfeggio Frequencies (When each frequency is added together it creates 3, 6, or 9)

  • Vortex Math

  • 9 planets in our solar system

  • Units of time add up to 369 (24 hours, 60 seconds, 12 months

  • 3 pyramids of Giza

Everywhere we look, we’re surrounded by the numbers 369. Nikola Tesla described these as ‘divine numbers’ because of their definite power. We gain new ideas from either reflecting on the past, focusing on the present, or predicting the future. Something else that is very interesting regarding the numbers 369 is the numbers they create when doubled. 3+3=6, 6+6=12(1+2=3), and so on and so on. 12+12=24(2+4=6), and continuing to double those numbers will always result in a 3 or 6….but never a 9?!??! When the number 9 is doubled repeatedly, it always results back to a 9, never a 3 or 6. Adding 9+9=18(1+8=9), and 18+18=36(3+6=9), and it will always result in the number 9. Nikola Tesla never left any notes or documentation about the unlimited free energy source he was working on, but many believe it lies in the numbers 369.

Using the 369 Manifestation Method

The numbers 369 have become even more popular with the exploding popularity of TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. The 369 Method has been referred to as Tesla’s (secret code), and one of the ways he came up with such radical ideas and inventions. There are numerous ways to utilize the 369 manifestation method, but this is the most popular.

I’ve manifested many wonderful things in my life utilizing this method. For example: a better job, a better partner, and real spendable cash have all come through the 369 manifestation method. Every morning, as soon as I wake up I write down in my journal 3 times, whatever it is I want to manifest.

  • I am in the best shape of my life

  • My Soulmate is coming to me

  • I live in my dream home

  • I receive $xxx / day

  • Every day I get more….

  • I am grateful that I have…

After I’m finished writing I focus on the statement I wrote down. I vividly imagine myself already having and experiencing it for as long as I can. Then about mid day I write down this same affirmation 6 times in my journal. Again, I intensely focus on it already being a reality in my life. Finally, at the end of the day just before bed, I write down this same affirmation 9 more times. When I go to sleep I am thinking about already having and receiving that which I’m manifesting.

By doing this THREE separate times a day, and writing your manifestation 3, 6, and 9 times, for a daily total of 18 (1+8=9) you are making full use of these divine numbers. What is equally important about the 369 manifestation method is you’re constantly keeping your manifestation at the front of your mind. Your focus stays on what it is you want in your life, which is the driving principle of The Law Of Attraction.

Remember to write your 369 manifestation down in the present tense, like it’s already yours. By living in the future and acting as if your manifestation has already come true, you begin drawing in the people, places, circumstances, and things that make it a reality! This is a principle that has existed long before Tesla was around, but one that he had a complete understanding of!

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3 years ago


Wuaooo how interesting, I have always been fascinated by Tesla's story, what he left to humanity and how he parted with what could be his future fortune with his energy project so that the same project would not stop and benefit everyone, dying in misery and loneliness.

For me a genius out of time, but I did not know anything about what you mention in this article, about the number 369, I liked it very much thank you.

Is that last picture of the diary with the affirmations and decrees real, does it belong to you, are you doing the magic yourself?

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