Daily Tarot Reading 7/10/21

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2 years ago

It's Saturday! We made it to the weekend, and I'm looking forward to getting plenty of work done but also 'recharging' my batteries so to speak. Lets find out what our 'cards' have to say about the coming weekend!

Please note....any interpretation I give is just based on my thoughts, feelings, and intuition. It doesn't make it 'right' or 'wrong', it just IS. I draw 3 cards from my tarot deck every day, and then write about their meaning and the message I believe is trying to be conveyed. I also shuffle my cards for quite a long time until the 3 cards I want come to me, whether in the form of dropping on the ground or being difficult to shuffle.

The Magician Tarot Card Upright

I mentioned that my cards are a little 'older', and certainly not as sexy or visually appealing as other tarot decks out there, but you'll notice with the magician tarot card he is standing in front of all 4 suits on a work bench or altar. He holds a wand in one hand, while touching a coin (or pentacle) with the other. A sword and cup both rest on the table as well.

What is a 'magician'? I'm not referring to card tricks or pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but using your thoughts and energy to manifest or bring a desired outcome into the physical world. You and I do this every single day when we focus on a predetermined goal, work to see it fulfilled, believe it will be achieved, and then manifest it into our lives.

What is something you've given all of your attention, energy and focus to that you've seen come to life? We read about it every day on this platform. Other writers speak about reaching a certain number of BCH, and eventually reaching their goals. Others speak about finding a partner or true love, and what happens? The person they were looking for 'magically' appears into their life.

You are smarter and more powerful then you think. You have the capability of turning lead into gold so to speak. We are all the creators of our own reality, and all of the tools we need are right at our fingertips, just like in this card. Whatever it is that you're focusing on right now, give it 100% and don't quit. You literally have limitless potential, and are only limited by the thoughts you hold in your own mind.

(I sorta got off track there, sorry xD)

The King Of Wands Tarot Card Upright

The wands or 'batons' suit in tarot represents entrepreneurship, advancement, risk taking, drive, passion, and ambition. The king of wands is a powerful and charismatic leader who is able to stir up enthusiasm and loyalty in others. He is filled with a tremendous amount of energy, and once he sets a goal is relentless in seeing it through to the end. Confidence is key, and he has no doubt that whatever endeavors he sets for himself will ABSOLUTELY manifest in his life.

This has a lot of meaning by being following the magician card earlier. You have the drive, energy, passion, desire, and commitment to make your dreams a reality. Your passion and enthusiasm can inspire others to help you with your goals and aspirations (sponsorships, writing, etc.). Others can look toward you for strength or guidance as you continue on your path. To onlookers it may seem like the things you do are effortless or come easily to you, but in reality it's your willpower and desire that are making these good things happen.

If there's something you've been dragging your feet on, or a new idea you've been considering, NOW is the time to follow through. Take charge and walk boldly in whatever this new venture is. There is no possible way you can fail, so why wait any longer? You set your own course, and you dictate your fate.

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Upright

What an interesting card! As you can see the man is suspended upside down between two trees, held by a rope. He looks comfortable as his hair hangs down to the ground. Being upside down gives us a different perspective upon the world we see. Is there something that you're taking a 'backwards' or 'upside down' approach to in life? You haven't fully committed to the path laid out before you, and so you just hang back and watch.

Albert Einstein described insanity as: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results". Your habits and actions are what produce your current results. Are you happy with where you are? When was the last time you asked yourself: "Is what I'm doing REALLY working?", and been completely honest in your answer? Take a minute to evaluate where it is you want to be, how you're going to get there, and what actions or plans you need to take to arrive.

Our perspective creates our reality. If you had to live the rest of your life upside down, the world would obviously look different.....take a new perspective on things that you wouldn't normally. See the world as 'glass half full' instead of 'glass half empty'. Expect positive results in your endeavors, be curious about trying new things and seeing how they will work in your life.

If your unhappy with where you're at, then make a change OR reframe the situation so you can look at it in a new way. This card is a perfect example of how everyone views the world differently. The things I see in this card can be COMPLETELY different from someone else, and that's OK. Take into consideration new views or perspectives, and hold onto what resonates....leave the rest!

Thank you...

This was a very interesting, and pretty personal reading for me. A lot to chew on and mull over as I've been doing my best to make changes in my life that will lead to the results I want (and expect).

Tell me what you think! Tell me if you're struggling with something, or see something different from my perspective. "@" me in a post and lets have a discussion!

I appreciate each and every one of you, and I'm grateful for the outlet this platform has provided me. Have a wonderful day!

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2 years ago


That was very interesting to read. Honestly I am not familiar about tarot reading but I think it's like a guiding star for our everyday lives.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

Oh thank you! I find it fascinating as well, and I view it the same as looking at a piece of art or a sunset.....we can derive meaning from anything or everything. There could be a 'daily crypto reading', trying to analyze logo's or names even! I just like getting to put my thoughts out there to try to make better sense of why I think the way I do.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I admire you, you have a brilliant mind.

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2 years ago