5 things introverts feel when they are in a crowd

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1 year ago
Topics: Introvert

An introvert is a personality type who prefers to be by themselves rather than with a lot of others. They appear less eager to socialize with strangers, but that does not imply that they are antisocial. A shy person feels more at ease talking to one or two people they already know. Despite having fewer acquaintances on average, they tend to have excellent friendships.

An introverted person occasionally has to be among a lot of people, such as when they accept an invitation to a party or other such event. When they are surrounded by people, how do they genuinely feel?

From unsplash by @Igor Cancarevic

This is the evaluation.

1. Sensing pressure

An introverted personality tends to stay away from crowded situations. However, there are times when a circumstance makes him obligated to go to energetic gatherings. when attending a partner's wedding or a relative's wedding, for instance.

An introvert might go to an event purely out of obligation. He has respect for the individual or couple who invited him.

2. Too many attendees make it impossible to enjoy the event

An introvert does not enjoy social gatherings with lots of people. He loves to spend his free time alone or with his closest friends. He will become disturbed by events that are too crowded and include lots of people. He would typically just go away from the crowd and decide to be by himself.

3. Concerned about being questioned about sensitive matters

Sharing personal issues with others might be extremely difficult for someone with an introverted disposition. They are extremely private and only want to communicate with specific individuals

Sometimes they worry that if they are at social gatherings like family gatherings, others may inquire about their personal lives. For instance, when to get married, where to work, and his girlfriend are all questions.

4. Wish the event was over soon

An introvert always wants a crowd activity he is a part of to end fast. He didn't feel like lingering in so many people's situations. If introverts stay too long at the crowded events they attend, they will grow bored. He was eager for the event to conclude or desperately wanted to leave it.

5. Relieved that the occasion is finally over

A lot of social interaction at an event is not what an introvert desires. When he meets plenty of people, he feels uneasy and is unable to express himself freely. An introvert can feel relieved when the show is finally done.

He was finally liberated from the throngs of people he had to interact with. You should think twice before inviting someone with an introverted disposition to a busy event. He was scared that he wouldn't be able to enjoy the event because he would have to go.

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Avatar for Verdoxi
1 year ago
Topics: Introvert


that's very true, I also feel like that when I'm in a crowd.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Ya indeed

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1 year ago