Reasons why you shouldn't share drinks

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4 years ago

Theyre very big risk that comes with sharing drinks, maybe with your peers or siblings.

Drinking from a cup which was used by someone else and not properly washed or cleaned first have a lot of demerits attached to it.

Just imagine, you and your friends go out for a party and every drinks from plastic cups , a friend approaches you and asks if they could sip from your cup, as someone who shares you say "yea sure!" And you drink from the cup ,the following morning you got home and you feel sick, you go to your doctor and he says "ma'am you have the flu",this could be easily have been transmitted to you by your friend who you shared cups with. Your siliva has mixed with the persons you shared cups with and gave you the flu.

Sharing cups could cause different diseases and infections, this is why its not healthy to share a cup with anyone.

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4 years ago

nice article plz back me subscribe

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4 years ago