If you lose your dog do this

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3 years ago
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Until a tragic event occurs most dog owners will say; it can’t happen to me to lose a dog. Each of us is convinced that our dogs listen to us, that they do not separate from us. There are dogs that, all for fear of being lost, spend their lives walking on a leash, but there is simply no certainty that our dog will always be with us. This tells us a large number of lost dogs and inconsolable owners


Dogs can get lost, indeed.

If you have an uncastrated male, one bitch is enough in the chase and one hundred percent certainty that your dog always stays with you drops to some fifty percent - and only if your dog is very well behaved. The fact is that dogs have their instincts and love to follow them. Unfortunately, this is just one example of how easily a dog can get lost, but let’s talk rather about what we do to prevent it and what we can do when the dog is already lost.

Some of the dogs that get lost find their way home on their own. These are mostly those dogs that get lost in a familiar area. But sometimes dogs get lost where there are no familiar smells and where all the streets are unknown and in the meadows some muzzles are collected that are not known to our dog.

Let’s talk a little about what we can do to get our dog, if he gets lost, back to his home as soon as possible.

1. microchipping and stamps

Chip your dog.

Even if we ignore the law that requires every dog ​​to be chipped, every conscientious owner should gladly chip their pet. The reason for this is that microchipping is the simplest way a dog finder will find you. Microchipping is a not overly painful process in which a microchip is injected under the skin of a pet. If the dog is lost, one click of the chip reader and two phone calls will be enough to get the dog back into your safe hands. When a dog is chipped it has its own unique number which is in the database and right next to it is your data.

Chipping is also a good insurance against theft; any veterinarian can check to whom a dog, who is in his clinic, belongs.

The owner (in this case you personally) can be found almost equally easily through the vaccination stamp if the dog is lucky and has not lost (or may have had it stolen) the collar together with the stamp.

2. medallions

You’ve probably noticed that some dogs have something resembling an ampoule or a tiny barrel or cocktail shaker on their collar. There are them in metal and plastic versions, and inside there is a small piece of paper intended to be written with the name, surname, address and telephone number of the owner and, possibly, the name of the dog. The advantages of the medallion are obvious and its disadvantages are the same as with the stamp. Who can guarantee us that the necklace will stay on the neck of our beloved animal?

3. take a picture of the dog

If your dog gets lost, you will need his picture very much; for an ad in the Info Center and for ads you create yourself.

Most dog owners have many photos of him but these are mostly photos where the puppy is playing or running or doing some other cute thing. Let our gallery also have a few photos of our precious little animal that shows what it looks like.

The best photos are those that are taken by sitting or lying on the floor and painting the dog from his height. If we take a picture of him standing, his back will be perfectly visible, but not the cute white spot in front of his front leg by which he is so recognizable.

Let us now imagine, for a moment, the worst possible variant; our dog is lost (or we to him, depending on whose side we are looking at), not chipped, no collar, lost in an unknown part of town - or even, if nightmares, in another town.

1. Take a walk through the village where the dog disappeared and then visit several neighboring villages. A bicycle is not a bad idea either, you are faster with it, and there is a greater chance that you will find yourself sooner.

2. Each neighborhood has "dog meadows". Be sure to visit them and ask the dog walkers if they have seen your pet. Most people who have dogs themselves look at other dogs and remember them so the help of other dog owners is quite large.

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3 years ago
