Superheroes - what amazing abilities each person has

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Each of us at least once imagined himself a superhero. But superpowers are not only found in fictional characters, the average person also has them. There are a number of possibilities of the human body that seem incredible, but they are available to absolutely anyone.

With one left.

The first of these is the superpower. The most famous member of the human race who manifested this phenomenon is a housewife from America, who was able to lift a car. The extraordinary power opened at one moment when Angela's son was fixing the car, but the jack failed and could not cope with the two-ton structure. The car fell on the young man. Then Angela didn't get confused and lifted the car with her bare hands.

There is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon: the physical structure of human muscles is such that we can actually break through a wall with our bare hands. The limitation of force occurs only in the brain. When the brain is under stress, it can stop controlling the muscles.

Seeing with Eyes Closed

Another superpower allows a person to see with their ears. The phenomenon is called echolocation. The power is often found in people who are visually impaired or completely blind. They can even ride a bicycle and navigate freely in space.

Experiments have been done with healthy people: they were blindfolded and placed in an unfamiliar place. After a while, the person adapted and began to estimate the distance to objects with the help of sound waves.

.One listens to one's steps and imagines one's surroundings based on the echo of one's walking. Not only is it possible to locate objects in an unfamiliar room, but also to estimate the shape of the room. The brain can also pick up the sound of a voice, which changes as one approaches an object.

Slow down and speed up

Another ability allows people to control time. In normal life, it is difficult to imagine this skill, but it is clearly manifested in non-standard situations associated with great risk. For example, people in war are on the verge of life and death. In such a state, they are able to see the movement of flying bullets slower than in normal life.

This phenomenon is explained by the structure of the brain. It is capable of perceiving time rationally and experimentally. The rational method is true for a normal measured life, when a person is able and able to think in a habitual mode. But if a critical situation arises, the brain switches and thinks many times faster than in the first way of perceiving reality.

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