A-performed - this is the "STRAH". -for "Threats" - when they began to Threaten and Manipulate over weak people! People began to be STRUGHED and CHANTED, so that they could be controlled through the "CRASH"! A-people were weak under their threats-strong people who wanted to have the power to control them and to Manipulate them! Until - a person understands that -ON A PEOPLE PERFORMANCE and can't be controlled by only one person then - they will live in the "DISTRICT" in front of the Strong Spirit of the ANY - to control the imi - it's like a "WORK" and "LORD"! In order to get out of this "STRUCTURE" state you need to realize - that WE ARE ALL PEOPLE'S GOD - that WE ARE ALL SINGLE AND LOVING GOD'S Kids and NO "STRUCTURE"! HAS NO POWER OVER US! THERE IS NO FEAR IN LOVE, BECAUSE PERFECT LOVE DRIVES OUT FEAR!
Awesome dear.