Always be young.

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3 years ago

Finally feel the taste for life that was lost during the years of "adult" existence.

For starters, it is worthwhile to fall into childhood sometimes and stop making a serious face.

Bully, be like children, play together with your children and not your grandchildren in all their frivolous games. Let's pull out your inner child, it's time for him пошалить😉. he had so much since childhood запретов😔.

And do not think about what your neighbors and others will say about you - they just do not know how and envy you! They don't see Mom and Dad at this moment. with a child, they see YOUNG MOM... with a child, and this changes everything.

Go out to nature more often, be curious, passionate.

Then your eyes will shine with the mischievous hooligan fire that makes the faces of children and young people so attractive.☺

Be interested in everything in the world. There are so many interesting things in the world and нового😁.

In this way, we open our brains to new neural connections, and this makes our thinking flexible, which is characteristic of young people.

Just "want!" removes the obstacles and limitations in our brain.

Your enthusiastic face will attract people to you, but they will stay close to an intellectual and advanced character, because everyone wants to grow.

My dear girls of all ages, your ambitions, emotions, your mind, your keenest interest in yourself and your life inspire men, provided that you have an enthusiastic face, not a contemptuous mask).

Think about what you emit into this world!? What you radiate, you get! Remember? what's inside, then outside!

And yes, do not complain about life.....

There is a good saying that the subconscious does not understand jokes. And if you say that everything is bad, in the hope that you will be sorry and will come to help, then be sure that you will not be sorry and will not come. You do not give the subconscious a chance to correct the situation. That's why, to improve the situation, including to raise self-esteem, it is important to thank for the inexhaustible benefits that you have at the moment. And it works!

Feel free to compliment and start with yourself first.

Say, like a mantra, a prayer every day what you really want: healthy, young, beautiful, successful, slender...

Dance ... often, a lot, or better every day.

Dance inspired, as if no one sees you in a cafe, on the street, at home...

Stem cells grow in motion and the hormones of happiness, joy and growth are released.

This way you will keep an excellent shape and tone, youth, you will communicate and laugh and who knows, maybe even fall in love. All this is an invaluable hormone of happiness - endorphin. And happiness, as you know, prolongs youth.

Stay in a good mood.

As they say in yoga classes - smile with your brain. You can benefit from any situation, so in general there may be enough reasons to be in a bad mood, but there are no reasons to benefit from it.

Tune your brain to the positive, it allows you to solve many problems!

Be easy / on the rise, be open / open to everything new.

"Spontaneity is a sign of youth!

Say, finally, to the world - yes! Say "yes!" to the moment, say "yes!" to any proposal that comes to you.

This is a good signal to the universe that you need everything. Amazing, absolutely effective law that will change your life!😍.

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Written by
3 years ago
