The Creation

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3 years ago

Before you or I were made, or continents and seas, or the earth or the stars or the universe or space itself, God thought he would create the world. First he made heavens and the earth, a mass of whirling clouds and vapours, without form or solidity. And everything was dark.

God saw that he had hardly begun. He said, " Let there be light," and there was light and God divided the light from the darkness and made day and night.

But there was no shape to anything that he had made so God divided the sky from earth, and put one on top of the other.

On earth God gathered all the waters together to make the seas.He made the dry land and made grass grow on the land. He made plants that gives seeds, and tress that give fruit. And when he saw what he had made, he liked it.

To mark the seasons, the days and the years, God made the sun and the moon and the stars to shine in the sky,and God was pleased with these.

Then God made creatures to live on the earth. He made great whales, and the smaller fish, and every creature that moves in the sea, and he made the birds. He glad that he made them, and blessed them and said, "Have children, fill tge sea and the air."

He also made all the other countless creatures that live on the earth_wild beasts and insects and things that crawl in the soil. And he liked what he made.

Finally God said, " I will make man. I will make him in my own shape and I will give him power over all the creaturesmade." So God made man and woman.He blessed them and told them to have children, to live on the earth and to rule over it.

God said, "I have given you plants to eat. And I have given plants for the cattle and for the other beasts,and every living creature that moves on the earth."

Then God looked at everything that he had made; and it pleased him.

In six days God made the heavens and the earth and all it plants and creatires.His work was finished.

So on the senventh day, God rested.He blessed the seventh day, and made it a holy day for ever.

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Written by
3 years ago
